Diagnosis | Pain after bowel movement


Pain that occurs after bowel movements should be examined by a doctor. This is especially true if the symptoms are repeated, very severe or if there are other symptoms in addition to the pain.In addition to a detailed patient history and a physical examination, imaging procedures can help to find the cause of the complaints. Especially an ultrasound of the abdomen often provides information about the correct diagnosis. Blood tests and a colonoscopy are also part of the methods used to find a diagnosis for this type of complaint.


The prognosis for pain after defecation is very good in the majority of cases. Digestive problems are usually the cause of the complaints and can be remedied by a change in diet. Nevertheless, dangerous diseases can also be behind the complaints and therefore a comprehensive diagnosis is recommended, especially if the symptoms persist. In general, most diseases have a better prognosis if they are detected early.


A general prophylaxis, which can prevent pain after bowel movement, does not exist due to the large number of different causes that come into question. Since a digestive problem is usually at the forefront of the problem, a balanced diet rich in fiber can help to prevent the symptoms. Also helpful for an optimal digestion are sufficient exercise and fluid intake. These recommendations should be given special attention, since in addition to the constipation itself, diseases such as hemorrhoidal disease are also caused by excessive and frequent pressing and can thus be prevented by a softer stool if necessary.