Diagnosis | Pain in the abdominal artery


The diagnosis of many presented diseases, especially that of aneurysm, can be made with the help of an ultrasound device. For example, the doctor can determine the diameter of the abdominal aorta. An inflammation of the pancreas can also be detected in this way.

In an emergency and if bleeding is suspected, a CT (computed tomography) examination is also often carried out. A blood sample sometimes helps to clarify the cause of recurrent pain in this area. Often a certain combination of symptoms already leads to a diagnosis, for example in the case of a harmless gastrointestinal infection.

Associated symptoms

Especially the ruptured aneurysm of the abdominal artery is accompanied by severe symptoms. These include nausea, weakness, dizziness and paleness up to unconsciousness. Such symptoms absolutely require the intervention of an emergency doctor and must be treated in hospital as soon as possible. Most of the other diseases presented show milder accompanying symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal cramps. Moreover, these symptoms usually do not appear suddenly, but rather insidiously and then slowly become stronger.

Conservative treatment and therapy

The treatment of a small abdominal aortic aneurysm or a minor calcification of the vessel can be conservative or wait-and-see. In this case, the patient comes at regular intervals for a control examination using ultrasound. For example, the physician pays attention to a possible enlargement of the aneurysm.

Smaller aneurysms usually do not rupture for the rest of the patient’s life. However, larger aneurysms may have to be treated surgically. Torn aneurysms are treated in an emergency operation.

Here, speed is of the essence in order to minimize blood loss. Despite optimal therapy, many patients die as a result of a ruptured aneurysm of the abdominal artery. Large and unstable calcifications can also be treated in one operation.

They are then supported by a stent. The treatment of pancreatitis is usually carried out with the help of antibiotics and painkillers. In this case, the cause of the inflammation must be determined and, if possible, corrected.

Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be treated in various ways. The type of treatment is usually discussed individually with the doctor. Temporary infections often require no specific treatment. They pass by themselves after a few days.

Course of disease

Especially a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm requires further treatment even after emergency surgery. An affected patient often remains in intensive care for some time. Afterwards, rehabilitation is helpful, as many patients have to cope with consequential damage.

Smaller aneurysms show a different course. They often get bigger over years. Observation of these is therefore the main focus of treatment. Often, however, there is no need for action in the form of an operation throughout the patient’s life. The situation is similar with vascular calcifications.