Diagnosis | Pain over the eye


If pain over the eye persists for a longer period of time or occurs repeatedly, a visit to a doctor is recommended. The doctor will ask the person concerned in a targeted manner, including current complaints, medication intake and current changes and incidents. He looks at the eye area as well as the face and head area.

Depending on the symptoms, further examinations then follow, such as palpation of the exit points of the triplet nerve, the lymph nodes and, if necessary, palpation of the eyeball. If nasopharyngeal infections are suspected, the nose, nasal flow, and the throat and mouth area are also examined.If an eye disease is suspected, the patient is referred to an ophthalmologist who will examine the eye in detail. A blood test can be useful if there is a suspicion of another underlying disease. If necessary, a referral to a specialist is made.


The treatment depends on the cause. In many cases the pain is short-term and harmless. Often the pain subsides as soon as the cause (e.g. bright light) is eliminated.

If the pain over the eye is caused by stress or overexertion, physical and mental rest, sufficient fluid intake, relaxation methods, fresh air and a balanced diet often help. If there are uncorrected visual defects that cause pain over the eye, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist and optician for advice and vision aid adjustment. Emergency eye diseases, such as eye infarction and glaucoma, are treated with appropriate medication and measures.

If the pain over the eye is caused by headache disorders, a differential diagnosis by a doctor is necessary to ensure effective treatment. Often this includes a change of life as well as an accompanying drug therapy if necessary. If the pain over the eye is due to sinusitis, it should be treated.

In the case of an acute sinusitis, decongestant nasal sprays are recommended, but should only be used for a short time. Inhalations and red light irradiation are also recommended. In some cases, painkilling medication may be advisable.

If there is a bacterial cause, antibiotic treatment may be necessary, especially in cases of prolonged symptoms and in immunocompromised persons. If the pain over the eye is the result of chronic sinusitis, surgery should be considered in some cases. If the pain over the eye is the result of headache disorders, a differential diagnosis by a physician is necessary to ensure effective treatment.

Often this includes a change of life, as well as an accompanying drug therapy if necessary. If the pain over the eye is due to sinusitis, it should be treated. In the case of an acute sinusitis, decongestant nasal sprays are recommended, but should only be used for a short time.

Inhalations and red light irradiation are also recommended. In some cases, painkilling medication may be advisable. If there is a bacterial cause, antibiotic treatment may be necessary, especially in cases of prolonged symptoms and in immunocompromised persons. If the pain over the eye is the result of chronic sinusitis, surgery should be considered in some cases.