Diagnosis | Pimples in the mouth


The diagnosis of oral pus pimples is usually made at home, by parents, or rarely by the child itself. Sometimes it is also a chance finding, which is first noticed by the dentist. However, it is important to think in all directions with toddlers and babies, and to look in the mouth once in a while. Perhaps the refusal to eat is not due to the food itself, but to the fact that every bite hurts. Older children can already communicate this, toddlers and babies express their pain most likely by crying!


The prophylaxis for pus pimples in the mouth depends on the cause. The sebum-producing Fordyce glands can be lasered away. This is often done without symptoms, purely for cosmetic reasons.

It is a short procedure that can be performed by a dermatologist.With recurring Aphten the situation is more complicated: Since the exact cause is unknown, one can only speculate, which prevents against the annoying companions: In the suspicion iron, zinc, Folsäure, or Vitamin b12 lack stand. In addition, a Streptokokken Infekt, or a Gluten incompatibility can be the release. For prophylaxis the above mentioned substances should be taken up sufficiently with the food, and if necessary at least occasionally gluten-containing products should be avoided.

A renewed occurrence of the Aphten would then cause a further search for causes. Liquids help against salivary stones, and above all to keep the salivary flow going. This is best done by eating something acidic from time to time or by massaging the salivary glands from the outside.

In general, good oral hygiene and regular brushing of the teeth should be ensured – this way bacteria don’t stand a chance. Especially toddlers and babies are particularly dependent on the help of their parents, as they cannot yet clean their mouth themselves. Although the milk teeth fall out, poor oral hygiene can have many other consequences than holes in the teeth.