Diagnosis | Reduce stress


In order to reduce stress, the correct diagnosis is necessary. The diagnosis of stress includes a targeted anamnesis and body impedance analysis, in which resistance to a minimal electrical measuring current is measured in order to draw conclusions about vitality and the ratio of fat, muscles and water in the body. Furthermore, a detailed blood count, the determination of free radicals and antioxidants, acid-base buffer capacity, inflammation parameters, stress and sex hormones in blood and saliva, the analysis of stool flora, heart rate measurement and ECG are also included.

What is oxidative stress?

The term oxidative stress describes a metabolic situation in the cells of our body in which harmful substances, the so-called radicals, are present in increased concentration and thus damage the cell. The formation of these radicals is a consequence of the metabolic processes in our cells and is provided for by nature. However, these radicals are normally neutralized by so-called antioxidants and their harmful effects are neutralized.

The term oxidative stress describes a situation in which the balance between the radicals and the antioxidants is in favour of the radicals and thus the harmful effects outweigh the harmful effects. It is now assumed that this oxidative stress is significantly involved in the development of arteriosclerosis, cancer and rheumatic diseases. In order to avoid oxidative stress in our body, it is recommended to pay attention to a balanced diet, which is accompanied by the consumption of a lot of vegetables and fruit. The special supply of antioxidants has been shown in studies to be ineffective.