Diagnosis | Swelling of the breast


In most cases, the diagnosis of breast swelling is made by the gynecologist. The accompanying symptoms, such as fever, pain, reddening or similar, as well as the type of swelling are important in determining the cause. Thus, inflammatory causes can often, but not always, be distinguished from rather non-inflammatory causes.

During the physical examination, the breast is palpated and inspected. During the patient consultation, important factors such as the use of the pill or other hormone preparations, previous illnesses, pregnancies and other things are asked about. Imaging examinations such as ultrasound, mammography or MRI are also used for further diagnostics. In case of a tumor, a tissue sample is taken to determine the type of tumor and to be able to initiate an individually adapted therapy. and MRI of the breast.


Depending on the underlying cause, a swelling of the breast can be accompanied by various accompanying symptoms. Swelling of the breast in the context of mastitis is usually accompanied by pain, overheating and reddening of the affected breast and occasionally also by fever. Mastopathy, on the other hand, typically manifests itself as chest pain that occurs immediately before the period.

In the case of a pronounced mastopathy, one also speaks of a pellet chest, since nodular hardenings are palpable throughout the entire breast. A discharge from the nipple is also very typical. Other benign tumors of the breast usually show no accompanying symptoms besides pain.

Malignant tumors of the breast, on the other hand, can manifest themselves through various accompanying symptoms that occur in advanced stages of cancer. Apart from chest pain and sometimes bloody discharge from the nipples, these include symptoms caused by metastases. These can include bone pain, breathing difficulties or even abdominal pain.

The breasts sometimes show retractions of the skin, asymmetries of the breasts, orange peel skin or local swelling of the lymph nodes. Typical symptoms of many cancers are fever, night sweats and weight loss. In order to initiate a therapy, the cause of the breast swelling must first be known.In addition, not every swelling needs to be treated.

Mastitis usually requires treatment with antibiotics and cooling compresses, whereas a real breast abscess must be surgically opened and emptied. Swelling in the context of mastopathy is treated differently depending on its severity. Simple mastopathies can be treated with gels and ointments containing gestagens.

Other drugs such as antiestrogens and prolactin inhibitors are also used. A growing mastopathy, on the other hand, must be controlled very closely, as there is a risk of developing breast cancer. In some cases, samples are then taken from the breast to rule out breast cancer. The therapy of a breast cancer disease is very complex and includes operations as well as chemo- and radiotherapy, which are individually adapted to the patient.