Diagnosis | Torn earlobe


In the case of cracked earlobes, your family doctor can help you as your first point of contact. He can assess whether the cracked earlobes are caused by a skin disease such as atopic eczema or just a minor injury, for example from earrings or similar. If he suspects that you have a disease that requires treatment, he can refer you to a specialist. To do this, he will look at the skin on the earlobe and ask you more detailed questions about your symptoms. If a deficiency is suspected, a blood test can provide more detailed information.

Associated symptoms

Cracked earlobes can be accompanied by pain. Especially injuries that are infected with germs are extremely painful, reddened and swollen. A fever can accompany the infection.

Allergic eczema or neurodermatitis additionally show a more or less strong itching. In the case of neurodermatitis, other areas of the skin are usually also affected and are characterized by a dry appearance. Allergic contact eczema is limited to the place that came into contact with the substance causing the allergy.Fungal diseases usually occur in other parts of the body and are also accompanied by itching.

Signs of inflammation are reddening of the skin as well as swelling, warming and pain. Furthermore, the skin may shine and the accompanying occurrence of fever is possible. The latter speaks for an infection with bacteria.

Pain can occur as an accompanying symptom of cracks in the earlobe. A possible cause for pain is a bacterial infection. The bacteria enter the body through the tear in the skin and cause an inflammation.

Some injuries are also accompanied by pain. Especially larger tears can burn and hurt. Cooling of the affected earlobe and light painkillers such as ibuprofen provide relief. The stretching of ear holes leads, especially when performed improperly, to cracks in the earlobes, which also heal painfully and often scarred. Therefore, you should inform yourself well in advance before stretching your earlobes too quickly or improperly.