Diagnostics | Pulling pain in the abdomen


Depending on the cause of the pulling in the lower abdomen, special examinations are carried out. In any case, the doctor will take a medical history to get a better overview of the situation and to exclude or differentiate possible causes. In most cases, an ultrasound of the pelvis and abdomen will also be performed and blood will be drawn to determine inflammation and, in women, a possible pregnancy. Depending on the cause, further special diagnostic and therapeutic measures are then taken.


Depending on the cause, different therapeutic measures are taken. Painkillers and taking the pill can provide relief from menstrual problems. In case of a pedunculated ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis or testicular torsion, emergency surgery should be considered.

In case of miscarriage, the spontaneous descent of the fruit is waited for, otherwise a scraping (abrasio) may be performed. In the presence of intestinal problems, laxative measures can be taken and treated symptomatically with antispasmodic drugs, antibiotics and painkillers.