Diarrhea during the period


The period can bring a whole range of symptoms and complaints. Many women suffer from pain during their periods, as well as lassitude and fatigue. In addition, digestive disorders can also occur. Some women suffer from flatulence and diarrhoea, as well as abdominal cramps. These complaints can be very annoying, but this is a natural process that is controlled by hormones.


The cycle is controlled by different hormones, which are produced and released to a greater or lesser extent depending on the half of the cycle. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, i.e. before menstruation, the concentration of the hormone progesterone is particularly high. This increases body temperature and slows down bowel activity, so that in some cases constipation can occur.

The female body now prepares for the implantation of an embryo. However, if the egg is not fertilized, the progesterone concentration drops rapidly and bleeding occurs. As a result of this hormone crash, the intestine is stimulated again and overactivity can occur.

In addition, further tissue hormones are released from the walls of the uterus, the prostaglandins. These cause the smooth muscles to contract so that the unfertilized egg and the lining of the uterus are expelled. These contractions cause the well-known menstrual cramps.

However, when prostaglandins reach the intestinal muscles via the bloodstream, these contractions also take place in the intestine. This also leads to a faster emptying of the bowel and thus to diarrhoea. You can find all important information on this topic on our main page “Menstruation“.

Can diarrhea cause the absence of periods?

A strong or long diarrhea illness can let the period fail to appear, in professional circles one calls this condition “Amenorrhö”. For example, chronic diarrhea can result in malnutrition with loss of vital trace elements and minerals. In this situation, the body only works on a low flame – and does not waste energy on strenuous processes such as the menstrual cycle.

But even a severe, infectious diarrhea can cause amenorrhea. Psychologically stressful situations or a lot of stress can also lead to diarrhoea and amenorrhoea. A hyperthyroidism can also cause these symptoms. However, if you do not have your period, you should always consider pregnancy. This should be excluded in the first place.