Diclofenac Gel


Diclofenac is a drug substance that is available in numerous forms of administration. In addition to tablets and patches, there is also Diclofenac gel that can be applied to affected skin areas.

Mode of action

Diclofenac belongs to the group of painkillers that are not related to opioids, i.e. they are less effective but on the other hand have no potential for dependence. Diclofenac inhibits an enzyme in the body, also known as cyclooxygenase or COX for short. This enzyme in turn promotes the formation of so-called prostaglandins, which are significantly involved in inflammatory reactions in the body.

If the cyclooxygenase is now inhibited via diclofenac, only a few prostaglandins can be produced and distributed in the body. The result is a reduced inflammatory reaction. If an inflammatory reaction has now occurred in the body for quite different reasons, e.g. due to overloading of a certain joint, leukotrienes are used to an increased extent.

The intake of Diclofenac now leads to a reduction in leukotriene release. The result is now a healing of the inflammation. This mechanism is particularly useful in orthopedics, where inflammatory reactions of the body often have to be treated.

Another important point is that the leukotriene release and the inflammation it causes also increases the sensation of pain. Presumably this is to be seen as a warning sign of the body, since in the case of inflammation the affected person should be warned by pain. The vessels that move to the inflamed area are dilated by the leukotriene influence and more blood flows into the inflammation area, which in turn means an increased supply of the leukotrienes in the blood.

The increased amount of blood flowing into the inflammation area causes redness, swelling and overheating (typical signs of inflammation: redness, swelling, overheating and pain). All these characteristics are reduced by inhibition of leukotriene release by Diclofenac. In addition to its pain and anti-inflammatory properties, Diclofenac also has a fever-reducing effect.

It can be used (here then in tablet form) for flu-like infections and thus has a positive effect on the body. Typical areas of application are sports injuries, back injuries and overstrain. Diclofenac as a gel has practically no antipyretic effect, as the gel is only locally effective when applied to the skin. The Diclofenac gel is available in different tube sizes. It is mainly used for local inflammatory reactions.