Diet for Hypothyroidism

There is a link between hypothyroidism and nutrition. Most famously, iodine deficiency can cause hypothyroidism. However, for other causes as well as for prevention, proper nutrition can positively affect thyroid function.

Iodine deficiency as a trigger for hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland produces two hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Through these messengers, it controls energy metabolism, including heat balance, weight gain or loss, and also heart rate, as well as bone metabolism and, in children, growth.

For the production of T4 and T3, the thyroid gland needs iodine, a trace element. Trace elements are supplied to the body in small amounts in the diet.

Iodine deficiency goiter

If the thyroid gland lacks iodine, it cannot produce hormones in sufficient quantities, and underactivity (hypothyroidism) can result in the long term. To compensate, thyroid tissue multiplies and a goiter (goiter) develops. This is called iodine deficiency goiter.

Overall, however, iodine deficiency goiter is rare nowadays. More common causes of hypothyroidism are inflammation and autoimmune diseases, as well as hypothyroidism after thyroid surgery or radiation.

When does iodine need to be supplemented extra?

Provided that iodine deficiency has been established, care should be taken to ensure adequate iodine intake in cases of hypothyroidism. The recommendation is 100-140 µg daily for children and 180-200 µg for adolescents and adults.

A special case is pregnancy, during which there is an increased need (230-260 µg). Iodine tablets are available for this purpose, but should be taken in consultation with a physician.

Beware of iodine in Hashimoto’s disease.

However, iodine should not be given extra for every form of hypothyroidism. In the so-called Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland, which can manifest itself as both hyper- and hypofunction, too much iodine can even worsen the clinical picture.

Special dietary supplements are available for these patients. In any case, it should be discussed with a doctor about the right diet.

Selenium for a healthy thyroid gland

Another trace element that is important for thyroid function is selenium. If selenium is missing, the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3), among others, cannot be activated.

Selenium also has a positive, anti-inflammatory effect on Hashimoto’s disease and is prescribed in tablet form for this condition.

Crop-promoting foods

There are also foods that can promote the formation of a goiter (English “goiter”). These “goitrogenic” foods interfere with iodine metabolism and thus thyroid hormone formation. They include cabbage, mustard, radishes, horseradish and bitter almonds.

If you suffer from an enlarged thyroid gland or are already taking thyroid hormone pills, you should not eat these foods raw or in large quantities.

Dietary tips for preventing thyroid dysfunction

In general, you should always make sure to eat a balanced diet. Important for the formation of thyroid hormones are the trace elements iodine and selenium.

Foods high in iodine are mainly sea fish such as haddock, plaice, pollock and cod. Seafood, seaweed, broccoli and cashews also contain large amounts of the trace element. So an ideal dish is sushi, for example.

Selenium is found in larger amounts in pork, fish, nuts and offal (liver and kidney). According to the German Nutrition Society, a daily intake of 60-70 µg is recommended.