Diet Tips for Gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. Affected people often suffer from stomach pain, heartburn, nausea or bloating. Gastritis occurs in both acute and chronic forms. The right diet can help relieve the damaged stomach and prevent the disease permanently.

Fasting relieves acute gastritis

Acute gastritis is often triggered by external influences such as stress, nicotine, medication, alcohol or a diet that irritates the stomach. The mucous membrane is attacked by the resulting excess of gastric acid. In most cases, the inflammation subsides on its own when the stomach lining has calmed down. To support this, those affected can fast for one to two days. They should drink enough – still water or lukewarm herbal tea are ideal. Who does not want to do completely without food, can reach for zwieback, oat flakes or vegetable juices. After fasting, a light diet is initially advisable.

Schonkost relieves the stomach

Schonkost relieves the attacked stomach, because it does not stimulate the acid production. For example, mashed potatoes, rusks, grated apples, bananas and other alkaline fruits are optimal. Oatmeal or porridge is particularly recommended because the mucilage it contains supports the stomach lining. After a few days of a light diet, those affected can eat normally again, but should continue to avoid aggressive foods – such as coffee, spicy food or fatty dishes.

Diet for chronic gastritis

Depending on the cause, three types of chronic gastritis are distinguished. In types A and C, a sparing diet and a generally stomach-friendly diet counteract the symptoms. It is important to observe which foods trigger the symptoms and, if necessary, to exclude allergies or intolerances. The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is considered to be the trigger of type B gastritis, the most common form of chronic gastritis. Its reproduction can be inhibited by probiotic yogurts and fresh broccoli, radish and radish sprouts, which is why these foods should be on the menu.

Prevent gastritis

Whether you have acute or chronic gastritis, in addition to avoiding stress, eating a permanently healthy diet helps prevent the disease. Important basic rules are:

  1. Many small meals stimulate the gastric acid production less and are therefore recommended.
  2. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly. So you prepare the digestion better and relieve the stomach.
  3. Meals should not be too hot or too cold.
  4. Use fresh or dried herbs and no hot spices and little salt and sugar.

Tips for diet that is easy on the stomach

A whole-food, high-fiber, low-acid and low-fat diet is easy on the stomach and protects the stomach lining from inflammation. Well-digested foods include:

  • Low-acid fruit, especially apples, pears, bananas, kiwis, peaches, grapes and melons.
  • Vegetables, for example, fennel, carrots, green salads, zucchini or green peas.
  • Potatoes, for example, as mashed potatoes
  • Rice

Stomach irritating foods

The following foods irritate the stomach lining and should therefore not be on your diet plan:

  • Fried, smoked and fried food.
  • Fatty food, for example, meat, fish
  • Fatty dairy products (for example, whole milk, cream, ripe or fatty cheeses, blue cheese or ripe Camembert).
  • Bread and baked goods
  • Snacks and sweets
  • Nuts, unripe fruit, citrus fruits and avocados.
  • Flatulent vegetables such as cabbage, leeks, legumes, peppers or onions.
  • Hot spices

Coffee, drinks that are too hot or too cold and alcohol strongly irritate the stomach and can even trigger gastritis. Also black tea, milk drinks with high fat content, soft drinks and carbonated drinks stress the stomach lining.

What to drink for gastritis?

Still water, tea, cereal coffee, vegetable juices and diluted fruit juices that are not too acidic are well tolerated. Green smoothies are also recommended.For example, if you mix two different leafy vegetables (for example, spinach, arugula, wild garlic leaves or lettuce) with water, a banana and a spoonful of coconut fat, you get a nutrient-rich drink that strengthens the stomach against gastritis.