Dietary Supplement for Athletes

Optimal results, important for fat burning, gives the full pump, effective muscle growth – if you believe the promises of relevant catalogs or the companies on the Internet, you might get the idea that without sports nutrition nothing works. Especially strength athletes rely on the intake of nutritional supplements in addition to intensive training.

Advertising promises a lot, but can it deliver?

How big are the side effects of expensive protein drinks, vitamin supplements, power bars and performance enhancers like carnitine or creatine? Ministries, consumer centers and scientific institutes such as the German Nutrition Society (DGE) agree: foods fortified with vitamins, trace elements and minerals are completely unnecessary for athletes, since their needs are fully covered by a balanced, healthy diet. Nevertheless, consumers are obviously willing to spend considerable sums on expensive sports nutrition. Athletic consumers are also falsely led to believe that they have an additional protein requirement for muscle building.

Are additional protein supplements really necessary?

Protein supplements represent the largest product group on the sports nutrition market. However, since 60 to 70 percent more protein is consumed in Germany anyway than meets the recommendations of the DGE, this oversupply covers even the needs of competitive athletes. An artificially increased protein intake therefore unnecessarily stresses only the kidneys through increased urea production. Sports or fitness bars are actually supposed to supply the carbohydrates for the energy supply, which are basically to be judged positively. However, this is done primarily only through a high sugar content. A banana consumed in between is therefore far more effective for the athlete for the subsequent supply of energy and also much cheaper. In addition, the recommendations of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) should be followed with regard to the maximum amounts for minerals and vitamins in dietary supplements in order to avoid consequential health damage due to long-term overdosage.

Performance enhancement through ergogenic substances

The effect of performance enhancers or ergogenic substances is said to lie in the improvement of energy supply, increase of muscle tissue or prevention of sports-related cell damage. However, these modes of action have not been scientifically proven. In addition, there are sometimes serious side effects when taking these products. Caffeine in higher doses (from six cups of coffee) is therefore even on the list of substances banned for sports (doping list), and the inclusion of creatine in this list is still under discussion. The ergogenic substances include:


Creatine is probably the most popular active ingredient at the moment, which is said to have a performance-enhancing effect. It represents a key substance for the provision of energy in the body and consists of the amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine. Creatine is formed in the liver, kidneys and pancreas, and about 95 percent of this substance is stored in the muscle. Humans need about two grams of creatine daily, about half of which they absorb primarily from foods rich in meat and fish, while the other half is formed by the body itself.

Side effects of creatine

Scientific studies have shown that after taking creatine, the concentration of this substance in the muscles increases, but at the same time the risk of injury to the muscles increases. Only during maximal short-term exercise has creatine been associated with an increase in physical performance. In endurance sports and submaximal loads, no effect was detectable. In addition, side effects can occur in the form of gastrointestinal disorders, as well as an increase in body weight averaging two kilograms due to water retention in the muscles.Since normally the body’s own production (synthesis) and the supply through a balanced diet are sufficient for a sufficient supply of creatine to the body, overall this agent is not recommended.


L-carnitine consists of the amino acids lysine and methionine and is formed in the human organism in the liver, kidney and brain. Carnitine is also not an essential substance, which means that our body can produce it itself. For this synthesis of L-carnitine, vitamins C, B.


and niacin, as well as the mineral iron are needed. In conjunction with a balanced diet, sufficient carnitine is provided to the body even during exercise. It is found primarily in meat, but also to a lesser extent in dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. L-carnitine acts as a transporter for long-chain fatty acids into the cellular power plants (mitochondria). Therefore, it plays an important role in energy production from fat. However, since L-carnitine is not consumed during transport, but can be used again and again, scientific studies have not been able to prove the alleged positive effect on performance when additional carnitine is taken. Even the untrained user of this product will therefore continue to be plagued by sore muscles after excessive exertion. Only training helps against this, but not the intake of carnitine. Long-term use of this product also leads to a decrease in the body’s own carnitine production.

Amino acids

  • Arginine
  • Ornithine
  • Glutamine
  • Tryptophan
  • BCAA: (branched chain amino acids): valine, isoleucine, leucine

The misconception prevalent among athletes that additional protein intake strengthens muscle building continues with these supplements, because amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. But the muscle-building (anabolic) effect of supplementing amino acids such as arginine or ornithine has not been scientifically confirmed. On the other hand, there is a direct connection between protein synthesis and the glutamine content in the muscle. In addition, glutamine is also necessary for the immune system. An anti-catabolic effect is discussed for the amino acid tryptophan. This means that this agent should protect the muscles from degradation processes during intense training and thus counteract a central fatigue of the muscles under heavy load. This is said to be the case with the branched-chain amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine as well. Although the three amino acids are essential, they are sufficiently absorbed into the body through animal foods in a balanced diet. However, scientific results on a positive effect of the amino acids on the fatigue process are not available or are contradictory with regard to tryptophan. Overall, however, protection against muscle breakdown does not seem to make sense, since in the body catabolic processes (relating to the breakdown metabolism) by nature exert a stimulus on anabolic (building up) effects. With higher dosages of an oral intake of the branched-chain amino acids, gastrointestinal complaints must also be expected.

Conjugated linoleic acid

This linoleic acid can exist in 16 different chemical forms, is found primarily in the rumen of ruminants, and accumulates in butter, muscle meat, and milk. Animal studies show that it inhibits the growth and spread of cancer and reduces vascular changes. In sports, this substance is believed to have an antioxidant effect, acting as a preventive against coronary vascular disease. However, the oral intake amount and the correct chemical structure of conjugated linoleic acid are not yet known. It is also said to reduce body fat and increase muscle percentage. So far, however, these observations have been made only on the basis of test tube or animal experiments on chicks and mice, and transferability to humans is doubtful. Since conjugated linoleic acid has been associated with liver tumor growth at high doses, ingestion is not recommended.


Taurine is produced in the body with the help of vitamin B.


from the amino acids methionine and cysteine in the liver and brain in sufficient quantities to meet the daily requirement, even of an athlete. Canned tuna and meat are particularly high in taurine. Dairy products and plant foods contain hardly any taurine.On the one hand, taurine is supposed to act as an antioxidant cell substance, on the other hand it is supposed to have positive effects on the cardiovascular system. In the advertisement, taurine is supposed to provide “the necessary building materials for muscle protein” in addition to other amino acids. Overall, however, there are no scientifically recognized studies of a performance boost with additional intake of taurine. Also, the alleged antioxidant mode of action of this substance is not scientifically proven.

Caffeine in guarana, ephedrine in the medicinal herb ma huang.

Guarana is a name for the seeds of a South American species of climbing plant. The caffeine it contains has a stimulating effect on the brain and respiratory and circulatory systems. The caffeine reaches the brain immediately after its absorption and leads to increased concentration and reaction speed. This stimulating effect lasts for four to six hours. However, heavy coffee drinkers do not benefit from this, as caffeine habituation sets in. In the first few minutes of exercise, caffeine is said to increase energy production from fat. This leads to a saving of the body’s own storage for starch in the muscle, the so-called muscle glycogen, during long-lasting athletic exertion. However, the diuretic effect of caffeine has a negative impact on the water balance during sports. The side effects of caffeine consumption can be:

  • Irritability, nervousness
  • Diarrhea
  • Tremor or
  • Insomnia

Ephedrine from the Chinese medicinal herb Ma Huang (Ephedra Sinica) is often offered in commerce in combination preparations with caffeine and aspirin. It has both a stimulating effect on the circulatory system and a weight-reducing effect due to its natural amphetamines.

Phosphate salts, alkali salts, and coenzyme Q 10.

Phosphate salts are components of the body’s energy stores ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and KP (creatine phosphate). They are thought to enhance performance in short- and long-distance runners and prevent lactic acid buildup. However, scientific studies on this are contradictory. Alkali salts as chemical compounds with bicarbonate and citrate residues are supposed to cause an increase in performance in sprinters and short-distance swimmers by “buffering” the lactic acid that is formed. However, scientific studies have produced contradictory results in this regard, and negative effects have even been found with regard to endurance performance. Additional side effects such as stomach cramps or diarrhea have also been observed. Coenzyme Q 10 is supposed to improve the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. However, scientific studies have not been able to prove this.

Legal regulations

Currently, manufacturers of sports supplements determine how their products are composed, as scientifically based and legally binding regulations are still lacking. In addition, the classification of dietary supplements into a legal framework is confusing and problematic, as 20 new agents of this type are introduced to the market every day. According to the Foodstuffs and Commodities Act (LMBG), foodstuffs are assessed that serve to maintain life processes. These include:

  • Proteins, fats, carbohydrates,
  • Vitamins, minerals and fiber
  • Trace elements.

Food supplements are also assessed under the LMBG. They are intended to supplement the diet when deficiency symptoms are expected under certain circumstances. However, because of their health risks when misused, vitamins A and D, minerals, trace elements and amino acids are declared as additives under the LMBG. This allows approval only if consumer deception is avoided and if there is no health risk. The latter should be controversial, at least in the case of amino acids. Foods adapted to the special nutritional requirements of competitive athletes can be declared as dietetic foods. In contrast to dietary supplements, they do not serve as prophylaxis, but are only used when certain nutritional requirements already exist. Part of the mentioned performance enhancers belong to this group. According to the German Medicines Act (AMG), all substances that prevent diseases or influence bodily functions are assessed. In this area, many doping agents are found in the sports nutrition sector, which are combated by national and international sports associations. In any case, the addition of a drug to a food is not permitted.Explicitly banned in Germany are anabolic steroids (drugs derived from male hormones) and prohormones (precursor substances of these hormones). However, the fact that up to 20 percent of dietary supplements in the sports nutrition sector are contaminated with undeclared prohormones and anabolic steroids, most of which get there through contamination of vessels or equipment, is problematic. Especially products from Holland, USA, Russia and China are said to be affected. There are some substances in sports nutrition that are in the gray area between food and drugs. These include, for example, substances such as vitamin B


which is offered to bodybuilders in quantities of up to 50 mg (2500 percent of the daily requirement) because it is supposed to contribute to the anabolic effect of protein preparations. Creatine, taurine, CLA, and L-carnitine are also substances that walk a tightrope in this regard.