Different types of personality disorder | Personality disorder

Different types of personality disorder

In the classification of the World Health Organization (WHO), the following disorders are highlighted within the personality disorders in the narrower sense: It is already noticeable from the above list that there are areas of overlap between the individual personality disorders. Occasionally personality disorders are therefore assigned to symptom-oriented superordinate categories (“clusters”): Disturbed behavior (Cluster A): Paranoid, schizoid personality disorder Emotional-dramatic behavior (Cluster B): Dissocial, emotionally unstable, histrionic personality disorder Anxiety-avoiding behavior (Cluster C): Anxious, anancastic, passive-aggressive, asthenic personality disorder It is obvious from the above list that there are overlapping areas between the individual personality disorders. Occasionally personality disorders are therefore assigned to symptom-oriented superordinate categories (“clusters”):

  • Paranoid Personality Disorder: distrustful attitude, easy offending, tendency to interpret neutral or friendly actions of others as directed against oneself.
  • Schizoid personality disorder: Emotional coldness, inhibition of contact and distant behavior, distrustful-ambivalent feelings towards others, tendency to “maverickism” to isolation.
  • Dissocial personality disorder: Lack of understanding of social rules and norms, tendency to repeatedly violate them.

    Selfishness, lack of guilt, frequent conflicts with the law and inability to learn from them.

  • Emotionally unstable personality disorder: is divided into an impulsive type and a borderline type (see Borderline) In the impulsive type, difficulties in self-control, inability to accept criticism, often violent behavior.
  • Histrionic personality disorder: Urgent need to be in the center of attention; “acting”, dramatic behavior. Tendency to lie and exaggerate in order to attract attention.
  • Anancastic (obsessive-compulsive) personality disorder: Perfectionist task fulfillment, strict adherence to rules and norms, control tendencies and pedantry. Often also difficulties in expressing feelings, cool, controlled appearance.

    Excessive conscientiousness can, depending on the situation, be evaluated positively in working life, but can also have a paralyzing effect (lack of efficiency). See Obsessive-compulsive disorder

  • Anxiety-preventing personality disorder: Strong sensitivity to (real or suspected) criticism, fear of rejection, feelings of inferiority In order to fulfill an increased need for security, sometimes significant restrictions in everyday life are accepted (avoidance behavior). See anxiety disorder
  • Asthenic (dependent) personality disorder: Feeling of helplessness and dependence on other people, inability to make decisions by oneself Tendency to be too indulgent towards others to avoid rejection.
  • Peculiar behavior (Cluster A): Paranoid, Schizoid Personality Disorder
  • Emotional-dramatic behavior (Cluster B): Dissocial, emotionally unstable, histrionic personality disorder
  • Anxiety-avoiding behavior (Cluster C): Anxious, anancastic, passive-aggressive, asthenic personality disorder