Digestive Problems: Natural Help

When the intestines go on strike, it is a taboo subject for many. Yet constipation can often be the cause of malaise and listlessness. But there is help: with gentle remedies from nature, the disturbed digestion comes back into balance. Read here which home remedies help to get the digestion going again.

Constipation can have many causes

About 15 percent of women and 5 percent of men have problems with digestion, with the frequency increasing with age. But the number of unreported cases is high, as few visit the doctor about it. Estimates suggest that digestive disorders (constipation) affect more than 30 percent of the population in Germany. Those who do not “have to” go every day, however, are far from being constipated. The range of what is still considered normal is much wider than many assume. Doctors only speak of chronic constipation when you have to go to the toilet less than three times a week, the result is usually hard and little and the problems last longer than three months.

All this leads to constipation

When the intestines go on strike, this can have several causes:

Stimulate digestion: Better the gentle way

But with constipation, you do not have to immediately resort to laxatives. Because if taken continuously, these drugs can have significant side effects. In addition, they trigger digestive problems themselves with constant use, instead of solving them permanently. Therefore, it may be advisable to resort to natural alternatives to get the digestion going. A prerequisite for good digestion is a healthy intestine. This is exactly where the gentle remedies and methods come in. It is quite important to eat a diet rich in fiber and drink plenty of fluids.

Dietary fiber – the intestinal caretakers of the service

Dietary fiber keeps the bacterial flora in the intestines in healthy balance. But they also stimulate digestion. At least 30 grams of fiber should be included in the diet every day. This is easier to achieve than many people think. Three slices of wholemeal bread, one portion each of potatoes or wholemeal rice or pasta, salad and vegetables, and two portions of fruit a day ensure the desired intake. If you have not eaten much dietary fiber in the past, start with small amounts and slowly increase them as you get used to them. Very important: Dietary fiber needs liquid. Therefore, one should drink at least two liters per day for this purpose.

Natural help against a sluggish bowel

These eight proven tips and home remedies can also help to get digestion going gently and effectively in a natural way:

  1. Dairy products: Yogurt, sour or buttermilk positively influence the intestinal flora and have a laxative effect due to the lactic acid they contain. Also good: sauerkraut, especially as a raw food.
  2. Lactose: The time-honored trick from grandmother’s medicine cabinet. Milk sugar (lactose) stimulates the intestines naturally and activates both the beneficial intestinal bacteria and the intestines’ own movements (peristalsis), which provide better transport of intestinal contents. Start with 10 grams daily, slowly increase dose to 40 grams as needed.
  3. Dried fruit: soak dried plums, figs or apricots the night before, eat in the morning for breakfast.
  4. Flaxseed: Stir 1 to 2 tablespoons into yogurt, cereal or stewed fruit 2 times a day.Warning: Flaxseed loses its effect when crushed, boiled or baked.
  5. Wheat bran: Start with 1 tablespoon daily, then increase to 3 to 4 tablespoons on subsequent days. Important: drink plenty of liquid with it. Can be mixed well with cereals, yogurt, bread dough, meatballs, soups and sauces.
  6. Good morning cocktail: Even before breakfast, drink a glass of cold water or fruit juice. This stimulates the desired reflex in the intestine. Especially effective: additionally stir in one to two tablespoons of lactose.
  7. Hot water bottle: put on the stomach in the morning, so that the stress-ridden intestine can relax. Soothing music or yoga also relax.
  8. Massage: Also in the morning the abdominal wall in a clockwise circular massage has a beneficial effect on digestion.

The intestinal flora also plays an important role in healthy digestion. Probiotics and prebiotics can help to support this. Prebiotics for healthy digestion

Exercise gets the gut moving

Finally, even a half-hour brisk walk every day has been shown to kick-start digestion in addition to fitness and well-being. Cycling, walking, jogging or swimming have the same effect.