Disadvantages of oral respiration | Mouth breathing

Disadvantages of oral respiration

When breathing through the mouth, the disadvantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages. Breathing through the mouth is unhealthy and causes unpleasant side effects. It can lead to Frequently sleeping with open mouth to snoring.

Mouth breathing can promote caries and cause inflammatory, painful mucous membrane changes in the oral cavity. As the saliva dries up, the composition of the germs in the oral cavity, the oral flora, changes. Oral respiration can lead to an increased amount of putrefactive bacteria, which is associated with bad breath.

In addition, oral respiration is associated with altered blood gas levels and cell hypoxia. This means that the oxygen level is lowered and the blood circulation is reduced.

  • Dry mouth at night,
  • Bad breath and
  • Inflammations come.

How can you stop breathing through the mouth?

First, it is important to determine the cause of mouth breathing. If nasal breathing is impaired due to anatomical disorders, such as a deviated septum or enlarged nasal conchae, surgical intervention can eliminate the problem. If one now breathes through the mouth without anatomical disturbances or a cold, and breathing through the mouth causes problems, one can counteract this.

One remedy for sleep is an anti-snoring mouthpiece. One can hold such an oral vestibule plate in the mouth during sleep, it is similar to a boxer’s mouthguard. This plate keeps the mouth closed and causes you to breathe through the nose. Breathing exercises are also suitable for getting used to breathing through the mouth. Breathing exercises lead to an awareness of one’s own breathing and facilitate the control and execution of inhalation and exhalation.

What can be long-term consequences of mouth breathing?

In the long term, mouth breathing can lead to snoring and a sleep apnea syndrome. The risk of developing inflammation in the mouth and throat increases and can affect the teeth. The mouth and teeth become dry.

It can lead to a deterioration of dental hygiene and changes in the tooth structures.Fifty percent of people who breathe mainly through the mouth suffer from bad breath. Problems with the jaw joints can also occur. Teeth grinding, jaw pain and other complications of the teeth can cause problems for those affected. Very late in life, as a result of pronounced mouth breathing, difficulties in speaking and swallowing can occur.