Discharge in Pregnancy

When women are pregnant, they pay attention to any change in the body. Then increased discharge is already enough to unsettle the women. Fears of complications further worry pregnant women. However, even a heavy discharge is usually completely normal during pregnancy and harmless for mother and child. However, if additional complaints occur or the discharge changes conspicuously, caution is advised.

Pregnant? Discharge is often considered the first sign

Nausea, fatigue and a feeling of tightness in the breasts are the first indications of pregnancy. Many women often notice these symptoms long before they miss their period. At the same time, the discharge can sometimes change during pregnancy and thus be a sign that offspring is imminent.

Why does discharge change during pregnancy?

Every woman is familiar with vaginal discharge. In the course of the normal monthly cycle, the consistency changes. In this process, hormonal changes affect both the strength and consistency of vaginal discharge. The vaginal secretion serves to acidify the vaginal environment. The lactic acid bacteria found in the vagina break down a storage form of sugar (glycogen) into lactic acid. This lactic acid serves to stabilize the vaginal flora and also acts as a protective barrier against bacteria. Increased blood flow to the vaginal region and an increase in the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone lead to increased discharge. At the same time, the discharge maintains its normal consistency and color. There should also be no noticeable change in odor. Normal discharge is an expression of healthy vaginal flora.

If the discharge is disease-related

Changes in color, consistency, or odor should always be considered a warning sign. Pain or itching also indicate an infection, which should be checked out by a doctor. A friable, white discharge may indicate a fungal infection. A discharge caused by a fungal infection usually does not smell. However, it is accompanied by severe itching and redness in the intimate area. Redness also occurs with a bacterial infection. Here, however, the discharge smells very unpleasant. Those affected describe the smell as fishy. A watery discharge should also make the affected women take notice. A neutral-smelling, watery discharge can be an indication of a rupture in the amniotic sac. Since this is a serious pregnancy complication, a gynecologist should be consulted as soon as possible for further evaluation. Infections of the vagina can be dangerous for the child during pregnancy. Therefore, a doctor should always be consulted if the discharge suddenly becomes clear, bloody or very heavy. A doctor’s appointment should also be made if there are changes in color or texture. There are infections with discharge that must be treated with vaginal suppositories containing antibiotics to protect the baby and the mother.

Tips for adequate hygiene during pregnancy

Improper and/or excessive intimate hygiene can attack the vaginal environment and promote infections. Intensive washing with soap, intimate deodorants and vaginal douches should not only be taboo during pregnancy. These products damage the self-cleaning mechanisms of the vagina and disturb the balance of the flora. Bacteria and fungi can easily multiply in a disturbed environment. Inflammations with increased discharge are the annoying and dangerous consequence. Tight-fitting underwear made of synthetic materials also disturbs the breathing of the vagina and the composition of the vaginal fluid. Basically, simple hygiene rules are enough to maintain the environment in the vagina and prevent infections. Clear water is sufficient for cleaning the vagina. Alternatively, special washing lotions with a low pH value can be used. PH-neutral washing lotions are not suitable for the intimate area. In addition, women should make sure that they always wipe from front to back after defecation. When wiping from back to front, bacteria from the stool can enter the intimate area and cause infections. However, not only pregnant women, but also their partners should observe certain hygiene rules. If hygiene is poor, so-called smegma can accumulate under the foreskin of the penis. This contains bacteria.During sexual intercourse, the bacteria from the man’s penis can enter the vagina and cause infection.

Important protection for the child

Increased discharge during pregnancy is usually not a cause for concern. Rather, the discharge actually serves to protect the unborn child. It is an expression of healthy vaginal flora. This protects the unborn child from ascending infections. Bacterial vaginosis can pose a great risk to the child. Vaginal candidiasis can also harm the child. However, with a healthy vaginal flora, neither fungi nor bacteria can settle in the vagina. Thus, infections are prevented by the healthy flora and the child is protected. Those who find heavy discharge bothersome should remember that this symptom is only temporary. For some women, the discharge becomes less as the pregnancy progresses, while for others it increases just before labor. A heavier discharge towards the end of pregnancy can therefore also be interpreted as an indication of the impending birth. So there is only cause for concern if the discharge is foul-smelling, yellow, green, thick or friable, or if the discharge occurs in combination with burning or itching. Still, the rule is that concerned mothers should see their gynecologist once too often rather than too little.