Diseases | Lumbar Spine (LWS)


The lumbar spine is prone to wear and tear and injury due to its static load and high degree of mobility. Back painBack pain is a widespread disease. Everybody knows it, but the frequency of back pain is individually very different.Back pain can occur in different forms:

Pain in the lumbar spine can be caused, among other things, by a wedged zygapophyseal joint between the vertebral bodies or a slipped vertebral body.

The treatment often involves setting the spine in place. The term “settling” comes from chiropractic. Here, certain techniques and procedures, such as traction or adjustment, are used to return slipped vertebrae to their original position, thereby eliminating the pain and movement restrictions in the lumbar region.

These techniques are mainly based on reducing pressure on the joint by traction or by targeted pressure to restore the anatomically correct position. The success of the treatment is usually immediately apparent. However, the famous “cracking noise” that can occur is not a sign of success, although many patients mistakenly believe it is.

Relieve the lumbar spine

In daily life, the lumbar spine is exposed to very strong forces, which arise during certain movements as well as when standing or sitting in an upright position. Since the weight that each individual vertebral body has to withstand increases steadily from the head downwards, the lumbar spine is subject to particular stress. Therefore, it makes sense to relieve the lumbar spine of additional and avoidable forces in order to prevent early signs of wear and tear.

The lumbar spine can be relieved by allowing the muscles to take over some of the forces acting on the lumbar ligaments during certain movements. Strengthening the back muscles is recommended. A good example of how the lumbar spine can be relieved by changing movement habits is lifting heavy objects.

If you simply bend forward, the front parts of the vertebral body and the rear ligamentous structures at the spinous processes are subject to increased stress. If, on the other hand, you squat down with a straight back, the weight is distributed evenly over the vertebral body and the muscles of the thighs and spine are used to support it. Scientific studies have also shown that the “bumpy” posture can relieve the lumbar spine.