Diseases of Aging: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A whole range of health impairments that occur predominantly in advanced age are referred to as diseases of old age, both in common parlance and in scientific circles.

What are diseases of old age?

Forgetfulness and poor concentration is one of the most common manifestations of old age. The diseases of old age are defined in such a way that they are typical only for people in old age and are frequent causes of death within these generations. The diseases of old age consist not only on the classical health limitations and functional losses. They are also characterized by a more difficult healing process and a long latency period. This means that age-related diseases take a long time before they finally manifest themselves in the form of the corresponding signs of illness. In this context, old-age diseases are primarily concerned with high mortality, which is often due to reduced self-healing powers. In old age, the ability of the body’s cells to divide and thus regenerate slows down, which determines the outcome of old-age disease to a very significant extent.


The causes of old-age diseases lie, on the one hand, in the genetic disposition and individual predisposition of each elderly person himself. These can be pre-existing conditions or an unhealthy lifestyle. On the other hand, many external factors play an important role in the diseases of old age. These are, in addition to the social situation and environmental influences, overload or other influences. A whole series of diseases of old age are caused by the natural weakening of the organism, which quite often also affects the immune system. This lack of or reduced resistance can be a trigger for a disease of old age. A very central part within the causes of the diseases of old age includes the way of life. An unbalanced, incorrect diet, too much stress, little physical and psychological balance contribute quite decisively to the development of diseases of old age.

Typical and common diseases of old age

  • Frailty
  • Dementia
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis)
  • Incontinence (urinary incontinence)
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Age spots
  • Presbyopia (age-related long-sightedness)
  • Age forgetfulness

Symptoms, complaints and signs

The symptoms and complaints of old-age diseases can be very different, so that here no general prediction is possible. They depend very much on the exact disease, but in any case have a very negative impact on the quality of life of the affected person and reduce it. Often there are restrictions in movement and thus also in everyday life. The

Affected persons are often dependent on the help of other people in their everyday life due to old-age diseases. Furthermore, old-age diseases not infrequently lead to impaired vision or hearing, and in the worst cases can lead to complete blindness or deafness. In some cases, dementia or a general sense of grogginess or forgetfulness can also occur, making life more difficult. Similarly, thrombosis is common and can make it much more difficult for the person to move around. Other diseases of old age include incontinence, so that patients experience pain when urinating or defecating. Psychological complaints or depression also frequently occur. Furthermore, many patients suffer from severe frailty, so that even minor injuries can lead to serious fractures. In addition to dementia, patients may also develop Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease.

Diagnosis and progression

Nowadays, the diagnosis of diseases of old age is not only based on modern technical devices. Even the self-observation or observation by others of the affected persons themselves can play a very significant role in determining the diseases of old age. This fact plays an important role, for example, in the early detection of forms of dementia or Parkinson’s disease. In addition, older people usually notice themselves that they are suffering from a disease of old age due to physical complaints that occur and impairments in performance. A variety of diagnostic procedures can help to accurately determine the diseases of old age.This concerns both physical and mental diseases. In addition to laboratory tests of various endogenous substances, radiological procedures help to detect typical diseases of old age. This is especially true for symptoms that are not externally visible, such as those associated with tumors.


In old-age diseases, complications are very individual and cannot be predicted generally for a large group of people. They mainly depend also on the affected person himself and also differ with the lifestyle. The diseases of old age usually affect the life of the patient. For example, the elderly have limited ability to perform certain activities or to move around. Age-related diseases also include decreased vision and poor hearing. These diseases can only be treated to a very limited extent, for example by using glasses or hearing aids. In the case of such symptoms, the patient’s life can resume a high quality. In many cases, old-age diseases are those that require inpatient treatment in a hospital. As a result, the quality of life suffers. Often, patients have few visitors and suffer from loneliness and depression. Social exclusion is also the result. However, old-age illnesses can be overcome well with the help of care services, so that life seems worth living again and is fun for the person affected. The complications with and without treatment depend greatly on the disease in question. However, complications from surgery and anesthesia occur more frequently in the elderly because the body can no longer handle them well.

When should you go to the doctor?

Diseases of old age are degenerative diseases that usually do not go away. It is therefore all the more important to consult an experienced specialist for diagnosis at the first signs of typical old-age diseases in advancing age. Many diseases of old age are not recognized immediately or the patient waits a long time to see a doctor. As a result, they are advanced by the time the doctor is consulted, and it is no longer possible to slow the progression or help the patient symptomatically. In contrast, the treatment of typical diseases of old age becomes easier if they are detected in good time and at an early stage. Depending on the diagnosis, early drug treatment can help patients live almost symptom-free for some time and halt the progression of the disease. However, these are highly effective drugs that can of course have side effects and must be prescribed by a doctor for more than just that reason. Diseases of old age must also be regularly checked for their progression. Since it is to be expected that they will progress, the accompanying physician should know when this happens so that he can react to it in time with the right treatment. Many aging patients refuse to live with a geriatric disease despite the possibility of making life much more comfortable. If relatives or other loved ones suspect that geriatric disease may be at play, they should insist that the individual be examined by a physician.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment options for geriatric diseases depend in each case on their nature and their extent. In most cases of the affected persons, the therapy of the diseases of old age is not always easy, because in many cases it is a complex of various diseases. In order to be able to treat the diseases of old age efficiently and sensibly, the most diverse medical specialties work together. This also applies to the integration of rehabilitation facilities. In order to be able to provide age-specific treatment and care, completely new medical specialties have emerged. These include gerontological psychology and geriatrics. Alternative medical treatment methods also make an effective contribution. In this context, homeopathy offers an enormous range of options for successfully treating holistic physical and psychological diseases of old age. In addition, medical institutions make a high-quality contribution when it comes to treating very specific diseases of old age. In addition to the classic cardiovascular disorders and metabolic diseases, these include diseases of the visual or auditory organs and the skeletal system.It is also about the age-appropriate care of the people who suffer from a disease of old age and who should be guaranteed a certain quality of life. The treatable complexes of diseases that occur in old age include, in addition to dementia, the so-called brain disorders, incontinence of the bladder or intestines, a physical limitation as a result of a stroke, and many other syndromes.

Outlook and prognosis

The prognosis for the typical diseases of old age is better the earlier you took care of your health in your younger years. Age precaution includes sufficient exercise and sport as well as a healthy lifestyle and a diet rich in vital substances. Many so-called old-age diseases are preventable. Others can occur much later thanks to a good lifestyle. According to official prognosiss, diseases of old age are on the rise. It is noticeable that younger and younger people can also suffer from so-called old-age diseases such as diabetes mellitus type 2 or osteoporosis. Age-related phenomena such as loss of vision and hearing are compounded by dwindling bone density and declining muscle strength. The outlook for severe age-related diseases is poor if lifestyle choices have been careless and unhealthy. Medical progress alone cannot be a guarantee against premature degenerative processes or serious diseases in old age. Avoiding type 2 diabetes mellitus can considerably reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Plenty of exercise, healthy veins and arteries, and a healthy lifestyle do the same. Even age-related bladder weakness can be significantly mitigated by avoiding excess weight or pelvic floor training. Only a few diseases are true diseases of old age. Most of the consequences of disease that occur years later are created at a young age. Therefore, the prospects are all the better if an awareness of everyday health risks is acquired at an early age.


In order to prevent a disease of old age, there are several ways that can be integrated already in the youthful everyday life. These are primarily a healthy lifestyle, plenty of exercise, mindfulness of oneself and a balanced diet. This prevents many risks of having to suffer from a disease of old age.


Most diseases of old age cannot be completely cured once they have occurred. Thus, follow-up care cannot aim to prevent them from occurring again. Dementia, Parkinson’s disease, old-age hearing loss, Alzheimer’s disease, and others continue to develop unceasingly. Doctors can only try to stop complications and support those affected in their daily lives. A loss of quality of life is inevitable. Within aftercare, many specialties work closely together. Depending on the severity, doctors prescribe outpatient therapies and medications. Sometimes a rehabilitation measure is prescribed. Homeopathy offers a number of interesting holistic approaches. The success of a treatment is controlled by each patient at an early age. This is because a balanced diet and constant exercise reduce the risk of suffering from infirmities in old age. To avoid difficulties, the children and close relatives are also needed. They can reduce the mental effects of old age diseases by mental trainings and common activities. Against physical symptoms, medicine has many suitable aids such as hearing aids. In diagnostics, doctors resort to observations of patients and interview close people. Mental tests, blood tests, X-rays and other tests can verify complaints. Nursing services help seniors in their daily lives.

Here’s what you can do yourself

The elderly often cannot fall back on social networks such as family or neighborhood. Against helplessness coupled with loneliness, community self-help is specifically recommended: those affected can exchange ideas with like-minded people in groups. This form of social community is beneficial even in the case of chronic illnesses. In the case of nutrition-related diseases of old age, a change of diet alleviates the symptoms. In severe cases, a diet that is precisely tailored to the clinical picture helps. In cases of malnutrition, varied, balanced meals provide relief. Dietary supplements and sip feeds help to cover the increased requirements.Health food stores, drugstores and pharmacies carry a wide range of products and offer competent advice. A food diary provides an overview of the type, quantity consumed and timing of meals. A healthy, active lifestyle curbs many diseases of old age: Abstaining from alcohol and tobacco products, eating an appropriate diet, ensuring sufficient fluid intake, and regular physical and mental activity improve overall health. For example, in addition to fitness and coordination training for seniors, there is also so-called “brain jogging” (Sudokus, picture puzzles, quizzes). It promotes memory and thinking skills in a playful way. The general rule is: If in doubt, consult a doctor or therapist. A supposedly natural aging spurt can conceal a serious illness. The sooner a patient undergoes treatment, the greater the chances of success.