Diseases of the blood circulation | The human blood circulation

Diseases of the blood circulation

Especially older people often suffer from circulatory disorders. One of the most well-known diseases is arteriosclerosis. This is a change in the innermost vascular layer in the small arteries.

Cholesterol and calcium deposits cause the vessel to become increasingly narrow and prevent sufficient blood flow to the structures it supplies. This leads to circulatory disorders, for example peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAD), which often results in reduced blood flow in the legs. Affected patients then have increasing walking discomfort.

If the arteriosclerosis affects the supplying arteries of the heart (coronary arteries), in extreme cases this can lead to a heart attack because the heart is then not supplied with sufficient oxygen. If the arteries leading to the brain are narrowed, this can lead to a stroke. In children and adolescents, most disorders of the blood circulation can be traced back to heart defects.