Diseases of the elbow

Both in free zit and at work we cannot do without movement of hands and (lower) arms. The elbow is centrally involved in these movements and can become ill in different ways. Sports injuries, inflammations or signs of wear and tear in old age become noticeable on the elbow and sometimes have a very restrictive effect in everyday life.


In the following, you will find the most common diseases and injuries of the elbow, classified by

  • Elbow inflammation
  • Illnesses as a result of overloading or wear and tear
  • Injuries of the elbow
  • Specific diseases of the elbow

Elbow inflammation

Bursitis olecrani is a painful inflammation of the elbow joint caused by incorrect weight bearing. The main symptom is often a painful swelling, which is usually very sensitive to touch. The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of the clinical symptoms, the chances of recovery are very good with adequate therapy.

As a rule, the inflammation affects the long biceps tendon. The inflammation leads to the deposition of calcium salts, which limits the movement of the biceps tendon. Certain physical activities can lead to an inflammation of the biceps tendon.

Professional athletes or people who engage in intensive sports are often affected. The diagnosis is made by the doctor and the therapy can be conservative and operative. Arthritis describes the inflammation in the elbow joint.

This can be caused by infection or non-infection. In the case of infection-related arthritis, bacteria enter the elbow. Non-infectious arthritis, also known as rheumatoid arthritis, is a disease that belongs to the rheumatic group.

Illnesses as a result of overloading or wear and tear

The term arthrosis is used to describe the group of chronic degenerative diseases. These are characterized by wear and tear of the joint cartilage, which can occur on the one hand as a result of natural wear and tear during the aging process and on the other hand as a result of certain traumas. Therapy can be performed conservatively and surgically.

Tennis elbow is a pain syndrome in the area of the origin of the hand and finger muscles at the bony outer attachments of the humerus. The main trigger is considered to be a permanent overstrain of the forearm muscles caused by monotonous movements without adequate relief. Most tennis elbows heal with the right therapy, only rarely the limitation is chronic.

More information on this topic can be found here: Tennis elbowThe so-called golfer’s elbow is an inflammation of the tendon attachment of the flexors of the forearm muscles. Patients with a golfer’s elbow complain of pain on the inside of the elbow where the tendons are attached, which increases in the wrist when the fist is closed and the wrist is bent. In most cases, the elbow pain radiates into the forearm and/or upper arm, so that the whole arm hurts.

The therapy of the golfer’s arm is usually conservative, only in rare cases an operation is performed. The colloquial term “mouse arm” describes the unspecific clinical picture of the RSI syndrome (Repetitive Strain Injury). Behind the term mouse arm are various clinical pictures, such as pain or inflammation in nerves, tendons and muscles of the shoulder, elbow and hand. Due to the mouse arm, the movements in the arm and hands are very painful and restricted by overloading.