Diseases of the lacrimal ducts | Lacrimal ducts

Diseases of the lacrimal ducts

Clogged tear ducts are usually noticeable by an overflow of tear fluid from the eye. This is known as lacrimation (epiphora). A blockage of the tear ducts can be congenital or acquired in the course of life.Causes can be inflammations, injuries, rarely tumors or the natural aging process.

In most cases, blocked tear ducts can be treated well. For small children, even light massages can help, for adults a minor surgical intervention. Inflammation of the lacrimal ducts usually affects the lacrimal canal (Canaliculi lacrimalis).

In the area of the canaliculi inside the lower eye, redness, swelling, pain and overheating occur. If the lacrimal canal is blocked by the inflammation, the tears run out of the eye (tear drops, epiphora). Sometimes a tear stone (dakriolyth) can be recognized by the tear spot, possibly purulent to clear secretion runs out of the tear spots.

This is usually caused by bacteria, which should be treated with antibiotics. A surgical removal of tear stones may also be necessary. Pain is one of the five signs of inflammation.

Inflammation can also become noticeable in the tear ducts. Usually there is also swelling, redness and overheating. Sometimes even closed tear ducts can hurt.

Tear stones (dacriolytes) can also irritate the tear ducts and cause pain. The treatment of the pain should be based on the cause. This is best determined by a doctor.

A fistula is a naturally occurring connection between a hollow organ and another organ of the body or the body surface. It is usually tubular. The entire lacrimal duct can be described as a kind of hollow organ, so fistulas can also form here.

Such fistulas can be congenital or newly formed by melting down and remodelling of tissue, e.g. in the course of an inflammation. If the fistula ends on the surface, it can resemble a pus-filled pimple. Fistulas that are permanently inflamed and cause problems should be removed. This is done surgically. The inflammation is also treated with antibiotics