Diseases of the testicles


In the following you will find an overview and short description of the most important diseases of the testicles. For further information we refer to our corresponding articles in each section. The testicles are the inner, male sex organ or also the gonads of the man.

In the course of embryonic development, they are created in pairs in the abdominal cavity and then migrate into the scrotum. The sperm are produced in the two testicles from puberty onwards. The testicles thus serve for reproduction. In addition, male sex hormones are produced in the testicles, above all testosterone. The epididymis is located on the testicles.

Common diseases around the testicles

First of all, we would like to give you an overview of the three most common diseases involving the testicles in the form of a list: These and many other diseases of the testicles are described in more detail in the following in categories.

  • Inflammation of the epididymis
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Testicular cancer


Testicular torsion is a sudden twisting of a testis. This causes the blood vessels supplying the testicle as well as the vas deferens to be squeezed. The blood supply to the testicle is reduced, which in the worst case can lead to death.

This is an emergency that should be resolved within six hours to prevent death. This situation typically occurs in children, adolescents or young men and is characterized by an acute onset of pain. This clinical picture mainly occurs in the first year of life or during puberty.

It can be caused by accidents or by a congenital excessive mobility of the testicles. But it can also be the result of an unfortunate movement. A testicular torsion must be operated as soon as possible.

The scrotum is opened under general anesthesia and the twisted testicle is untwisted again and if necessary fixed in the scrotum to prevent a new testicular torsion. You can find detailed information here: Twisted testicle In case of a twisted testicle, the testicle may die off. This may require the use of testicular implants.