Diseases That No One Wants To Talk About

A cold or flu catches everyone of us times, about it we speak also gladly with colleagues or the family. Dahingegen there are however also such diseases, over which usually no word is lost. They are among the so-called taboo topics in our society and are rarely addressed in our society.

Why don’t we talk about these diseases?

At the same time, these diseases can also affect each of us, who then may even feel ashamed because he gets the feeling that he can not talk about it with anyone. The following diseases are often taboo and reluctant to be mentioned:

  • Flatulence
  • Bladder weakness
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Herpes
  • Bad breath
  • Vaginal fungus
  • Anal prolapse
  • Anal spasm

Most of these diseases have harmless causes, but are all the more unpleasant for those affected. Anal prolapse is understood as a prolapse of the anus. In this case, the anal canal comes out of the anus. Everything that has to do with our digestion is usually not readily addressed. This includes the anal area. Those who suffer from anal prolapse may not even like to explain to their partner what is behind it. By the way, this is a prolapse of the anus. In this case, a part of the canal pushes out of the anus and becomes visible. This can happen, for example, when having a bowel movement or when suffering from a strong cough. This is very unpleasant for affected persons. The situation is similar with diseases that cannot be hidden from other people, such as flatulence, bladder weakness or herpes. If someone has to run to the toilet every few minutes, colleagues on the job quickly notice this and it can become unpleasant. But things like bad breath can also quickly become unpleasant, because illnesses like these make it seem like you’re not paying enough attention to hygiene. That one has perhaps an overacidified stomach and therefore the complaints, one would not like to have to explain naturally also to everyone.

What about cramps?

About calf cramps you will certainly have already talked with other people, but what about anal cramps? Many might not even suspect that the anus can also cramp. This causes severe pain in the anus, which often makes the sufferers wake up screaming. This is because anal cramps also often occur at night and then cause severe pain for those affected. Anyone who suffers from anal cramps themselves should go to a specialist and have themselves examined, as the causes can be very varied. If one has problems with bowel movements anyway, this may be related. But what actually causes cramps? In the case of anal cramps, there are sudden contractions of the sphincter muscle, which one can no longer control oneself. The muscle movements are often so strong that you wake up from them and have to wait for them to stop. Here is more information about anal sphincter spasm at the Yellow Pages Advisor. Who is looking for an appropriate specialist, will find it here.

What is the cause of cramps?

Like many of the other taboo diseases, cramps often have a simple cause, depending on where they occur. So where do muscle cramps come from? Especially in the case of calf cramps, people often talk about a lack of magnesium, which is then no longer present in the muscles and then cramps occur. If you suspect that you have a magnesium deficiency, you can buy magnesium tablets in drugstores. This should quickly solve the problem. However, cramps can also have other causes, such as poor nutrition, in which case the body lacks certain important nutrients. Besides, genetic predisposition also plays a role in whether one is prone to cramps or has never had problems with them. Ultimately, cramps are caused by a lack of oxygen in the muscles, which can have a variety of backgrounds. If you suffer from cramps on a regular basis, you should always consult a specialist to find out where the cramps are coming from. Appropriate medication only helps temporarily, but does not eliminate the cause. At the specialist should also be addressed openly, what kind of cramps it is.

The anal spasm – special form of cramps.

In the case of anal cramps, a doctor should be consulted.Possible specialists are general practitioners or proctologists. Anyone suffering from anal spasms is in great pain, as mentioned above, as is the case with all types of spasm. However, the pain is often particularly severe in the anal region and causes sleepless nights for those affected. As described, oxygen not reaching the muscles properly is often a problem. However, researchers continue to investigate the causes of anal cramps. So far, it has not been scientifically proven that there are other health explanations for this type of cramp. For the affected persons, anal cramps are also unpleasant because one is reluctant to turn to the family doctor with such an issue. However, if one finds a good doctor for oneself, the issue should be taken seriously and it can be remedied. It is nevertheless important to see a doctor, because although anal cramps are harmless in themselves, they can be an accompanying symptom of another serious illness. However, in order to stop having problems with cramps in the long run, it is crucial that the actual cause is remedied. Often factors such as stress and bowel movements are important in identifying where the problem lies. After all, the nature of bowel movements can definitely lead to problems, which can then cause cramps.

Difference between anal spasm and anal fissure.

Anal fissure or anal tear is a tear in the skin or mucous membrane of the anus, which can be very painful. While anal spasm only causes cramping of the anal muscles, anal fissure describes a tear in the skin at the rectal opening, colloquially the anus. In this case, the affected persons have very severe pain during defecation, which only gradually improves after going to the toilet. It is also often observed that the fissure also bleeds, which can be shown by blood in the bowel movement or on the toilet paper. An anal fissure is basically a relatively common problem, which affects men and women equally. A fissure is often associated with itching and wetness at the anus. Normally, the fissure heals on its own, but an anal fissure can also become chronic and should then be treated. Anal cramps are often the precursor to an anal fissure. Cramps of the sphincter muscle can cause a fissure, which should be avoided at all costs. In such cases, the doctor should always be consulted and under no circumstances experimented with any home remedies.