Disinfecting ointment | Use of an ointment for coccyx fistula

Disinfecting ointment

Once a focus of inflammation has opened, the tissue is susceptible to re-infection. This can be counteracted with the help of an antibacterial ointment. Especially in the buttock region, where coccyx fistulas form, there are many germs.

The application of antibacterial ointment can also provide prophylactic protection against infection of the fistula. Factors that promote inflammation are, for example, strong body hair, heavy sweating and a lot of friction. In view of this, it is possible to apply ointment before activities involving a lot of movement and consequently a lot of sweating. However, there is no guarantee that inflammation will not develop. An ointment can also be helpful after laser treatment.

Iodine ointment

If the patient decides to have the coccyx fistula surgically removed, a wedge-shaped removal of the fistula tissue is classically performed. This involves the removal of the skin over the coccyx fistula and the fistula ducts together with the surrounding tissue. The background to this is to avoid recurrence (recurrence of the disease).

After the operation, the wound must be kept as sterile as possible (without germs), which can be problematic given the location. For support, the wound is rubbed with iodine ointment. Iodine has a strong antibacterial effect and is also used before surgery to disinfect the skin. However, such an ointment should not be used without clarifying this in advance with the treating physician.