Do I have to stay sober before the examination? | Urine examination

Do I have to stay sober before the examination?

In addition to the question of the age of the urine, many patients are faced with the question: Do you have to be fasting to obtain a correct urine sample? The answer is that you do not have to come to the urine test fasting. Quite normal eating and drinking habits are allowed, as these do not directly influence the result of the urine test. The only thing you should take care of is not to drink too little and not too much before a urine test. One would like to obtain as accurate a picture as possible of the processes taking place in the body, but a change in fluid intake can concentrate or dilute the urine too much, which makes the values more difficult to assess.

Standard values of a urine examination

For a urine examination there are certain values determined by studies, the standard values, which can be pathological if exceeded. The values of a healthy person valid for a test strip are These values are standard values and may vary slightly from laboratory to laboratory. For urine analysis using a urine culture, ideally no bacteria can be detected in the urine.

However, almost every sample is slightly contaminated, so that values of bacteria up to 100,000 per ml can still be considered normal. It is important to know that the values of the respective urinalysis are not sufficient to make a definitive diagnosis, but that they point in the right direction and, together with further examinations and clinical observations, lead to the goal.

  • PH value 4.5-8
  • Protein <10 mg/dl, whereby the test strip only measures the protein albumin, smaller proteins are not detected
  • Glucose up to 15ml/dl, even healthy people excrete small amounts of glucose in urine
  • Ketones negative
  • Bilirubin and urobilinogen negative
  • Blood (here hemoglobin is meant) negative
  • Erythrocytes <2/microliter
  • Leukocytes <25/microliter
  • Nitrite negative
  • Specific gravity 1.012-1.030 g/ml