Do I incur costs if I don’t cancel or miss my MRI appointment? | Costs of a MRT – examination

Do I incur costs if I don’t cancel or miss my MRI appointment?

In individual cases, a missed or not cancelled MRI appointment may result in costs for the patient. While no fees can normally be charged for a missed regular practice visit, an MRI examination, where demand is very high and a tightly planned examination schedule must be adhered to, can result in costs for the patient. The handling of these fees, however, is highly dependent on the clinic and practice. For better organization, however, an appointment should always be cancelled in time. Even if the cancellation is made at short notice, the examination of another patient can usually still be scheduled.

Cost of an MRI of the knee

The costs for an MRI examination of the knee joint are at least 139.89€ for private patients and self-payers. A maximum of 349.72€ may be charged. In addition to the costs for the MRI examination, costs for consultation, contrast medium and further imaging in a different joint position can be added, so that in the end costs of more than 600€ can be incurred. In the case of patients with health insurance, the radiologist may charge 124.60€ to the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians for a pure MRI examination of the knee joint.

Costs of an MRI of the shoulder

The costs for an MRI examination of the shoulder joint amount to at least 139.89€ for private patients and self-payers. A maximum of 349.72€ may be charged. If additional layers are added due to special questions or the administration of a contrast medium, the costs can increase considerably.

However, the maximum costs for an MRI of the shoulder should not exceed 800 €. In addition to the costs for the MRI examination, costs for consultation, contrast medium and further imaging in a different joint position may be added. In the case of SHI patients, the radiologist may charge €124.60 to the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians for the pure MRI examination of the shoulder.