Dock: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

The dock is a popular wild and medicinal herb with a high vitamin C content, known as a salad seasoning and appreciated for its healing properties, especially in gastric and intestinal catarrh. It shines finely dosed in teas, sauces and salads by its acidic and pungent taste.

Occurrence and cultivation of dock

The dock is a popular wild and medicinal herb with a high vitamin C content, known as a salad seasoning and appreciated for its healing properties, especially in gastric and intestinal catarrh. Sorrel takes its name from the Middle High German word “amper”, translated as “sour, pungent, bitter”. The knotweed is a representative of the plant genus Rumex with about 130 to 200 different species worldwide. It is found primarily in moist meadows, swampy pastures, yards, roadsides, or rubble throughout Central Europe. Some species grow at altitudes of 1600 or even up to 2000 m. It prefers nutrient-rich sites, loamy-clay soils and waterlogging. The medicinal herb has a perennial, perennial and herbaceous growth habit. Dock grows in large, lanceolate and fleshy leaves that are alternately arranged. The basal leaves, in contrast to the upper leaves, are entire, long-stalked with usually a spear-shaped leaf base. The distinct midvein of the leaves forms a distinguishing feature. Curly dock sprouts a stem up to 1.50 m tall with smaller leaves and green flowers in branchy false racemes. Roman dock, on the other hand, grows about 15 to 50 cm tall. The root system reaches vertically and especially deep into the soil. The dock species can easily be confused with each other and with other knotweed plants. Depending on the species, the collection period varies from April to May and July to August or October. It is popularly known as great dock, salad sorrel, sour grass, sour knotweed and meadow sorrel.

Effect and application

In modern herbal medicine, curly and blunt-leaved dock and sorrel are known as remedies. The leaves and seeds, the fresh sap and the dried rhizomes are used for application. Depending on the type of knotweed, the plant components should be chosen. The root of curly dock (Rumex crispus) has laxative, blood purifying, bile stimulating and detoxifying effects. It is especially suitable for skin problems such as acne and eczema or against fungal infections and arthritic complaints. The roots are dug up in autumn, cleaned and crushed. They should be stored in a shady place and below 40°C. The leaves have a higher oxalate content and contain more oxalic acid. In case of gout and kidney stones or pregnant and lactating persons, treatment is rather inadvisable. In case of poisoning, humans and animals experience vomiting, diarrhea and difficulty swallowing. In homeopathy, components of sorrel are mainly used to make medicines for respiratory infections and skin rashes. Sorrel (Rumex acetosa) and its leaves, on the other hand, are said to have diuretic, hematopoietic, purifying, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. They are used to treat digestive problems, skin diseases, menstrual disorders and anemia. For this purpose, the young leaves are cut off just before flowering above the ground and fresh or dried poured over with hot water and left to infuse for ten minutes. The tea can be drunk as well as applied externally. Another possible application is poultices made from crushed leaves. Tea from the seeds of sorrel is considered a remedy against worms. However, it is not advisable to take larger quantities (>15g) in order to avoid poisoning. In combination with other medicinal plants such as elderberry and cowslip, sorrel herb has been proven to be useful against inflammation of the respiratory tract and sinusitis. The leaves of blunt-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius) or grass root have a spicy taste and fit well in the kitchen. They are said to have a laxative, astringent, tonic, blood purifying and forming effect, similar to sorrel. The root has a lower oxalate content and serves as a laxative. The tannin-rich seeds of sorrel are effective against diarrhea.

Health significance, treatment and prevention.

Sorrel generally contains vitamin C, oxalic acid, potassium bioxalate, iron, flavone glycosides, tannins, tannic acid and hyperosides. In addition, it is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin A and B6, magnesium, calcium and potassium, and protein.The combination of these ingredients makes dock a universal agent. Due to a high iron content, red blood cells are formed. The general oxygen content in the body increases, organs are better supplied and the high potassium content also ensures a relieved cardiovascular system. The high vitamin C content, similar to that of a lemon, promotes stimulation of the immune system. The formation of white blood cells is stimulated, pathogens are thus better fought off. Spring fatigue and even scurvy are thus counteracted. The dock is generally said to have a refreshing and energy-giving effect. The plant, which is known in agriculture as a weed, and its leaves and roots also have a beneficial effect on digestion. Flatulence, constipation and diarrhea can be noticeably reduced by a high fiber content. The root of the dock is a natural laxative. Besides, the dietary fiber ensures lower cholesterol levels and consequently a healthy heart. Sorrel contains quite a lot of fiber, but few calories and fat. Already known in ancient times and in the Middle Ages for its cleansing and astringent effect, dock is also used in modern herbal medicine against skin impurities such as pimples or wounds and insect bites. Whole leaves or compresses with infusions are placed directly on the affected areas. The pharmaceutical industry and veterinary medicine use ingredients of the dock as components of many products in combination with other medicinal plants. With regard to a moderately strong allergic potency, dock should be avoided by allergy sufferers.