Does a dermatologist have to do this or can you do it yourself? | Fruit acid peeling

Does a dermatologist have to do this or can you do it yourself?

In principle, many products containing fruit acid are offered online, but also in pharmacies or other stores – including fruit acid peelings. These freely available products often have a lower acid concentration than medical products. This means that they are not as aggressive and gentle on the skin, but they are also far less effective than medical products at the dermatologist or beautician.

Fruit acid peelings with a high acid content of up to 70% should not be used by laypersons – yet they are available online, for example. Incorrect use can lead to serious burns and scarring. To avoid application errors and permanent skin damage, it is recommended to seek professional therapy from a dermatologist or beautician.

Can I do a fruit acid peeling myself?

In principle you can also do a fruit acid peeling yourself. With the juice of a lemon as well as sugar or salt and a absorbent cotton pad it is also very easy. The pressed lemon juice should be applied with a absorbent cotton pad to the skin, which has been previously cleaned with water.

Then apply salt or sugar to the skin treated with the juice in circular movements so that the skin scales can be gently removed. Afterwards everything can be washed off with lukewarm water. If the skin starts to burn or itch, the treatment should be stopped immediately, otherwise the fruit acid may cause burns.

To do this, wash off the acid and the salt or sugar and cool the skin with a lotion or cream. Quark cheese is also very soothing, which can also soothe irritated skin. In this case the acid content is too strong for the sensitive facial skin and can leave burns. If you have very sensitive skin, you can first try the treatment on an inconspicuous area or, in case of doubt, consult a professional therapist.


An individual session usually takes about 30 minutes. The entire treatment lasts for several months – depending on how many sessions take place and how long you wait between each treatment. Generally, between 5 and 10 sessions are recommended with an interval of about 2 weeks between each treatment. The number of sessions depends on the goals of the treatment and the tolerance on the skin. Since the skin should be accustomed to the increasing concentrations, the tolerance can also decrease.