Does an ectopic pregnancy also result in implantation bleeding? | Implantation bleeding

Does an ectopic pregnancy also result in implantation bleeding?

The implantation bleeding is caused by the superficial opening of the well supplied with blood uterine mucosa. Since there is no highly built up mucous membrane in the fallopian tube, not as many blood vessels can be opened in an ectopic pregnancy and usually no implantation bleeding occurs. In some cases, however, small injuries to the fallopian tube can cause bleeding. In addition, hormonal changes can also lead to bleeding in an ectopic pregnancy, which can be mistaken for an implantation bleed.

Can I still take the morning-after pill after an implantation bleeding?

The morning-after pill works mainly by suppressing ovulation by taking certain hormones. According to current research, it does not prevent the implantation of an already fertilized egg. It also does not lead to the termination of an existing pregnancy.

A pregnancy is created when the man’s sperm fertilises the female egg within the first 12 to 24 hours after ovulation. Since sperm can survive in the uterus for up to five days, it is possible to become pregnant by having sexual intercourse five days before ovulation and one day after. Since the morning-after pill only prevents ovulation, it only protects against pregnancy if the egg has already been released from the ice-cream stick.

This has already happened at the time of the implantation bleeding. In addition, six days pass between fertilization and implantation. Since the pill only has an optimal effect in the first 72 hours, i.e. in the first three days after intercourse, it cannot be taken after the implantation bleeding to prevent pregnancy.