Does the parental allowance start earlier in the case of a premature birth? | Parental allowance

Does the parental allowance start earlier in the case of a premature birth?

The parental allowance always begins with the actual date of birth. That means that the parents money with a premature birth starts earlier, i.e. with the birth of the child. Since the parental allowance is offset against the maternity allowance, the mothers unfortunately lose part of the credit-free parental allowance in the case of a premature birth.

How does the parental allowance affect the pension insurance?

From the parents money no contributions are paid in principle into the old age pension insurance. As parents one can request however the crediting of the actual pension amount. Parents are entitled to three years of child-raising time and a full pension at the same time.In order to be able to secure your pension in full, you should make an application before you start your pension by claiming the three years of child rearing time. In this way the pension is taken into account despite parents money.

Can I count a company car towards the salary base of the parental allowance?

If the employer provides an employee with a company car as an allowance for maternity leave and during parental leave, it may be used. A company car can then be used in the form of a payment in kind, so to speak. If a company car is used completely privately during parental leave, it is taken into account according to §8 para.

2. p. 1. income tax law and can lead to a reduction of the parental allowance. A company car as a privately used car represents a benefit in kind for the parents and must therefore be declared. This means that a privately used company car during parental leave can reduce the parental allowance.

Can I offset rental income against the parental allowance?

The amount of the parental allowance consists of the average net income achieved in gainful employment in twelve months before the birth of the child. Income such as rental income, leasing and capital assets do not play a role and are not counted towards the parental allowance. They are not deducted at the same time!