Doping | Growth Hormones


An open secret that is often taboo in public: the abuse of substances that increase physical and/or mental performance: doping. Like testosterone or other anabolic steroids, somatotropin has a positive effect on muscle growth. In addition to its use in bodybuilding, this type of drug is also used in the anti-aging industry.

Especially in the USA there is a very open approach to this topic and the beauty industry can make profits in the billions with the help of such hormone preparations. Especially in the bodybuilding sector somatotropin is often not used alone. The combination of insulin, trenbolone acetate, testosterone and thyroid hormones is not uncommon. It is important to note that any damage caused by growth hormones should not be underestimated, as there is a high probability that they are no longer curable and consumers have to reckon with consequential damage for the rest of their lives, which not only places a burden on those involved but also on the health care system.