Dosage | Aspirin


The dosage of Aspirin® is related to the desired effect. Higher doses have a stronger analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. However, the number and severity of side effects increases, especially with long-term use.

This is important, for example, when diluting the blood with Aspirin®. The tablets must be taken daily for months, sometimes years. Fortunately, even small amounts of about 100 mg per day are sufficient for effective anticoagulation control.

The reason for this is that the ASA contained in Aspirin® enters the blood immediately after absorption from the intestine, where it irreversibly inhibits the blood platelets. The remaining ASA flows with the blood to the liver, where it is quickly broken down before it reaches the body’s circulation. Since Aspirin® is broken down very quickly by the liver and other tissues, however, higher doses are needed to relieve pain or reduce inflammation.

Usually tablets with 500 mg are used here. In severe pain, two tablets may be taken at once. The daily dose should not exceed 3000 mg, and if taken several times, breaks of more than four hours should be observed. If Aspirin® is used against rheumatic-inflammatory diseases the highest doses are necessary. The single dose here is often more than 1000 mg, the daily dose more than 3000 mg.

Aspirin® and alcohol

If Aspirin® and alcohol are taken at the same time, undesirable side effects may occur, some of which can be dangerous for the person concerned. In particular, the risk of developing stomach ulcers and gastric bleeding, known side-effects of taking Aspirin®, can be further increased by the simultaneous consumption of alcohol. Irritation of the stomach lining, gastric bleeding, and peptic ulcers can be conspicuous by a variety of typical symptoms.

Stomach bleeding is typically accompanied by deep black-coloured stools and bloody or coffee grounds-like vomiting. If the bleeding is very pronounced, there may be considerable blood loss with associated symptoms. Chronic peptic ulcers can lead to changes in the stomach outlet, causing digestive problems and vomiting. Stinging stomach pains are also typical and occur particularly after eating.

When must Aspirin® be discontinued before surgery?

The active ingredient contained in Aspirin®, ASA, has an anticoagulant effect. For this reason, Aspirin® should be discontinued, especially before major operations where there is a risk of bleeding. This is not necessarily necessary, especially for minor operations.

Since Aspirin® only loses its anticoagulant effect after several days, even after discontinuing its use, it is often advisable to continue taking it for five to ten days. Recent studies show that platelet function can normalize after only three days. However, Aspirin® is often used specifically as a blood thinner because of its anticoagulant effect. In this case, a break in the medication with Aspirin® can be dangerous for the patient. Therefore, when taking Aspirin®, the doctor treating the patient should always be consulted before discontinuing Aspirin®.