Dosage | Calcium fluoratum


A very frequently used dosage for the internal as well as external application of calcium fluoratum is the potency D12. Taking the globules or applying the ointment is recommended regularly at the same time of day, i.e. in the morning and evening, or according to the organ clock of traditional Chinese medicine. Other potencies are administered less frequently. For an exact dosage, however, (as with all medicines, whether alternative or conventional medicine) advice should be given by trained specialists. Also with Schuessler salts, the recommended amount depends on the analysis of the appearance of the person.

Globules as application form of calcium fluorate

For internal use, globules are recommended for the most part. The onset of action then takes a little more time than with external application. Apart from the very rare hypersensitivity reaction to the carrier substance, no side effects are known.

They can therefore also be used in children. The regular use of globules should also be considered for people who, due to their personal character structure, have a high consumption of calcium fluoride. It is typical for these people not to be able to detach themselves particularly well from old, entrenched (“hardened”) structures, to be inflexible and to have problems distinguishing themselves from the outside world and external influences. People who find these things easy are very likely to have less need for calcium fluoratum.

Ointment or lotion as an application form of calcium fluoratum

As an ointment, Calcium fluoratum can be applied externally to counteract the lack of calcium fluoratum directly at the affected area. The area of application is especially the painful locomotor system. This includes tension and hardening, but also overstrained tendons and joints (ligament stretching, arthrosis).

Calcium fluoratum ointment can also help with skin problems such as dry, scaly and chapped skin as in winter, hard warts, scars and excessive calluses. On the other hand, the ointment can also be applied to connective tissue that is too loose or overstressed, for example in the case of stretch marks or skin wrinkles. It is generally accepted that an ointment with calcium fluoratum makes hard and firm structures of the skin more supple and too loose tissue areas firmer again.