Dosage | Nasic®


When dosing Nasic® , as with any medicine, you should follow the instructions in the package insert and, if necessary, the instructions of your doctor or pharmacist. Adults and school children may administer one spray per nasal opening up to three times a day. Nasic® must not be used if there are side effects, such as burning in the nose.In addition, the nasal spray must not be used for more than one week at a time, otherwise damage to the mucous membrane and addiction may occur.

Nasic® nasal spray for children

There is a separate product Nasic® Nasal Spray for children, which can be used for two to six-year-olds with a cold or common cold. It contains the decongestant active ingredient of Nasic® (xylometazoline hydrochloride) in lower concentrations, which means that each spray burst contains less active ingredient. Children under two years of age and babies must not be treated with Nasic® for children.

For older children, the use of Nasic® nasal spray for adults is recommended. The dosage is the same, i.e. one spray per nostril may be administered up to three times a day. Nasic® for children must also not be used for more than one week at a time. If you have a disease with impaired nasal breathing, you should consult your pediatrician or family doctor. It may be advisable to prescribe a nasal spray containing saline water.

Side effects

Even a nasal spray like Nasic®, which seems harmless at first, has side effects. These include restlessness, insomnia or headaches. The vasoconstrictive effect of Nasic® – even outside the nose – can lead to palpitations, high blood pressure, an accelerated pulse and, in exceptional cases, heart rhythm disorders.

However, the opposite, fatigue and increased drowsiness, can also occur. If you are allergic to Nasic®, hypersensitivity reactions in the sense of itching, rashes or even life-threatening shock can be triggered. Frequent use of Nasic® can dry out the nasal mucosa.

The reduced production of mucus is accompanied by a simultaneous reduction in local defense in the nose. Pathogens and germs can therefore settle on the nasal mucosa and lead to inflammation. In addition, even minimal stimuli can lead to increased nosebleeds.

After long-term use, abrupt discontinuation or a diminishing effect of Nasic® can lead to reactively increased mucus formation within the nose. In children, Nasic® often causes hallucinations or in rare cases cramps. If you notice any of the side effects mentioned above or other unpleasant symptoms in connection with taking Nasic®, stop taking it and contact your doctor or pharmacist. If you have inadvertently taken too much Nasic®, you may experience symptoms of an overdose, with fever, nausea and vomiting, cramps, circulatory or cardiac rhythm disturbances up to cardiac arrest, breathing or consciousness disorders. In this case, call a doctor to take appropriate countermeasures.