Dosage of Parodontax® Mouthwash | Parodontax® Mouthwash

Dosage of Parodontax® Mouthwash

The recommended dosage of Parodontax® mouthwash is to take 10 ml into the mouth and rinse for about one minute per application. Then spit out the rinse. Parodontax® Mouthwash can be used daily.

Which side effects does Parodontax® have?

Side effects of Parodontax® mouthwash are very rare. An allergic reaction to one of the ingredients is possible. If an unpleasant sensation such as burning or itching in the mouth and possibly swelling of the tongue occurs during use, the application should be stopped immediately and henceforth refrained from.

In extremely rare cases, an allergic reaction to Parodontax® mouthwash can be so severe that breathing difficulties or circulatory collapse occur. In such a case, an emergency doctor must be alerted immediately. Further side effects are only to be feared if the rinse is used incorrectly.

If the solution is swallowed in large quantities by mistake, nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting may occur. By using Parodontax® mouthrinse, no discoloration of the teeth is to be feared. However, if you only use the mouthrinse and refrain from brushing your teeth, you risk not only your dental health but also discoloration due to plaque, which can only be removed with a brush. The discoloration of the teeth is therefore not the result of using Parodontax® mouthrinse but of inadequate dental hygiene by rinsing alone.

How much does the Parodontax® mouthwash cost?

The price of Parodontax® mouthwash varies depending on the supplier and is usually between three and five euros. Per bottle thereby 300ml are contained.On the Internet the product is often cheaper to buy than in the local pharmacy, but you often have to pay shipping costs. It is therefore worth comparing prices before buying.

What are the alternatives to Parodontax®?

Besides Parodontax® mouthwash, there are many other mouthwashes from other manufacturers that also contain the active ingredient chlorhexidine, such as Meridol®. There are also products whose antibacterial effect is provided by other active ingredients. Those who do not wish to use a mouthwash can also achieve good dental hygiene by brushing their teeth thoroughly and flossing regularly. An additional mouth rinse is usually not absolutely necessary.