Dosage | Sedaristone®


Sedariston® should be taken at the same time each day, if possible, with a little liquid. In patients with a sensitive stomach, Sedariston® should not be taken on an empty stomach but during or after a meal. Adults should take 4 capsules of Sedariston® daily unless otherwise agreed with the doctor.

Either 1 capsule each in the morning, noon, afternoon and evening or 2 capsules each in the morning and evening. In case of insomnia, the last capsule(s) should be taken about half an hour before going to bed. Sedariston® is usually used for several weeks. If there is no improvement a doctor should be consulted again.

Application Indications

Sedariston® can be used as a herbal remedy in the treatment of restlessness and nervousness, restless sleep disorders and mild to moderate depressive moods and anxiety disorders. The active ingredient valerian has a calming and sleep-inducing effect, while St. John’s wort can help to reduce depressive and anxiety symptoms.


Sedariston® should not be taken in case of a known hypersensitivity to St. John’s wort or valerian. Furthermore, while taking Sedariston®, excessive exposure to light, for example in the form of visits to solariums and long stays in the sun, should be avoided or Sedariston® should not be taken. Alternatively, excessive exposure to light should be avoided by taking adequate sunscreen.

Sedariston® should not be taken in cases of severe depression or in combination with other antidepressants. Sedariston® must not be used in patients who are taking immunomodulators such as ciclosporin and tacrolimus, blood thinners such as phenprocumone or warfarin, or drugs for AIDS therapy. In the case of contraception using the pill (oral contraception), additional contraceptive measures should be used to ensure adequate contraception. Neither for children under 12 years of age nor for women in pregnancy and lactation are sufficient results available for therapy with Sedariston®, so that here the therapy should be avoided.


The cost of Sedariston® may vary from supplier to supplier, the listed prices do not necessarily include the lowest possible price. 30 capsules of Sedariston® with 275 mg valerian root and 600 mg St. John’s wort cost about 7.50 Euro. 60 capsules cost about 13.86 Euro, 100 capsules cost about 16.95 Euro. 100 ml Sedariston® drops cost about 16.25 Euro.