Drag in the middle of the back | Pulling in the back

Drag in the middle of the back

The central pulling in the back is also the most common. Here, the same causes for general back complaints come into consideration, but here the entire spinal apparatus is in the foreground. This includes not only the deep-lying muscles, which have the function of raising the back as a whole (“autochthonous back muscles”), but also the bony vertebrae and especially the intervertebral discs in between.

The vertebral apparatus with its intervertebral discs is highly endangered by heavy strain in the course of life, especially during physical work involving a lot of bending and heavy lifting. The muscles can be torn or tense when incorrectly strained, which leads to pain. The vertebral bodies can also be damaged by accidents, inflammation or arthrotic changes.

A special and also frequent orthopedic problem is the slipped disc. The intervertebral disc consists of a ring of fibrous cartilage, which surrounds a so-called “gelatinous” mass with a watery consistency. Too much pressure on these discs can cause the disc to bulge or the fibrous ring can tear, which leads to the leakage of fluid in the nucleus.

Both require immediate orthopedic treatment. It is more likely that the lower middle back is affected by pulling pain during pregnancy. This has mainly to do with the additional weight load.

Drag on the left side of the back

Also on the left side there can be a pulling in the back on one side. The reasons for this are similarly unspecific as for pulling in the right part of the back. In particular, the asymmetrical one-sided incorrect strain on a part of the back muscles is also a major cause here. Due to the fact that the kidneys are paired, a left-sided inflammation of the renal pelvis can also be considered here.

Pulling in the back during pregnancy

Pulling in the back is unfortunately a constant companion for more than 50% of all women during pregnancy. The more advanced the pregnancy is, the greater the likelihood of such pain. Not only the increasing weight load causes the back problems.A hormone called “Relaxin” has the function of relaxing the structures of the pelvic area so that the growing child can take up sufficient space.

This also has the side effect of weakening the already strained back muscles. The production of this hormone already begins in the 6th week of pregnancy, which is why the first women report pulling in the back at this time. It is helpful to counteract this by specifically strengthening the muscles, for example by consciously maintaining an upright position of the back.

For these reasons, heavy lifting is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. It not only promotes back pain, but can cause lasting damage to the spine. As a prophylactic measure, pregnant women are recommended to maintain an upright posture as well as light sports. Especially swimming and yoga have proven to be effective. As with muscle tensions in general, massages, relieving shoes and a warm cushion in the back can alleviate many symptoms.