Drink Properly during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, sufficient fluid intake is particularly important, because the expectant mother must not only supply her unborn child with fluid, but also has an increased need herself. However, it is not only the amount drunk that is crucial: some drinks should be avoided during pregnancy, whereas others can contribute to nutrient supply.

Avoid fluid deficiency during pregnancy

The blood volume of a pregnant woman increases by up to two liters during pregnancy, so that the fetal circulation and the placenta (placenta) can be supplied with sufficient blood. In addition, the amniotic fluid of up to two liters contributes to the increased fluid content in the body.

To prevent fluid deficiency, you should therefore take special care during pregnancy not to fall below the generally recommended drinking amount of at least 1.5 liters per day. Ideally, pregnant women consume two to three liters of fluid daily.

Pregnancy: healthy drinks

Choosing the right drinks complements a healthy diet during pregnancy. To balance the mineral balance, you should pay attention to the following ingredients in mineral water:

  • Sodium: Low-sodium mineral water (less than 20 milligrams of sodium per liter) should be preferred for existing high blood pressure as well as for pregnancy hypertension (preeclampsia). It also prevents the development of water retention (edema), since sodium binds water in the body.
  • Iron: Pregnant women have an increased need for iron because of the increased amount of blood, so you should choose mineral water without the label “de-ironed” if possible.
  • Calcium: Calcium is important for bone formation and the development of dental facilities in the unborn child, so the mineral water should contain at least 200 milligrams of calcium per liter.
  • Magnesium: A magnesium deficiency can lead to muscle cramps and increases the risk of premature labor and miscarriage. A mineral water rich in magnesium helps to meet the daily requirement of 300-400 milligrams per day.

Whether you prefer still or carbonated water is a matter of taste, but sparkling water can increase heartburn, which is common during pregnancy. Other suitable thirst quenchers are fruit and herbal teas and diluted fruit and vegetable juices.

Better to do without: Drinks unsuitable for pregnant women

Alcoholic beverages should be taboo, because there is no safe limit for harmless alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Since alcohol is a cytotoxin and passes through the placenta to the child, even consumption of small amounts can lead to severe mental and physical developmental disorders in the embryo.

Caffeine also reaches the unborn child through the placenta and, in high amounts, leads to a reduced birth weight of the child. In addition, caffeine inhibits the absorption of iron from food and can thus promote iron deficiency. Pregnant women are therefore advised not to drink more than two to three cups of coffee per day. In addition, cola, black tea, cocoa and dark chocolate should be enjoyed only in moderation.

Caution with soft drinks

You should better avoid energy drinks altogether because of the additional stimulating substances they contain, such as taurine and guarana, since their harmlessness has not yet been proven.

Caution is also advised with bitter soft drinks such as tonic water and bitter lemon: these contain quinine, which has a labor-stimulating effect and can trigger withdrawal-like symptoms such as nervous tremors in the newborn.