Drug therapy | Therapy of the impingement syndrome

Drug therapy

Pain-relieving medication is used as a drug therapy, which at the same time has an anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect. These include the so-called NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Diclofenac, Ibuprofen or Celecoxib. The drugs are taken as tablets.

Which drug works best must be tested. It should also be ensured that the maximum daily doses are not exceeded and that the medication is not taken for too long, as it attacks the stomach lining. It may be necessary to take an additional tablet for stomach protection such as proton pump inhibitors.

If the painkillers do not work, cortisone and local anaesthetics can be injected directly into the shoulder joint by the doctor. Find out more about this topic here: The Cortisone Spirtze. Cortisone is used in an impingement syndrome when other painkillers have failed.

A mixture of cortisone and local anesthetic is injected directly into the inflamed joint. The cortisone locally counteracts the inflammatory reaction and swelling and the local anaesthetic has a pain-relieving effect. The advantage of the injection is that a reduction in pain can be achieved quickly.

However, pain relief is only temporary, so that the cortisone must be injected at intervals of several weeks until lasting relief of the pain can be achieved. In addition, the injections should always be given in combination with physiotherapy treatment to support healing and prevent recurrence of diseases in the shoulder joint. The disadvantage is that a cortisone injection can lead to a tendon degeneration of the muscles and thus to further problems.

Alternative therapy options

In osteopathy, too, manual diagnosis and therapy are performed manually.The therapy in osteopathy is intended to support the body’s self-healing ability. The practitioner tries to find the cause of the impingement by taking a medical history and examining the shoulder and surrounding structures in order to treat it. In osteopathy, not only the shoulder is treated, but also the spine or ribs, which can cause a shoulder joint malposition.

Depending on the cause, techniques are then applied to support the body’s self-healing powers through osteopathy. Shockwave therapy involves high-energy sound waves that are applied to the shoulder from the outside. These shock waves are intended to loosen or reduce calcification.

Since impingement is often also caused by a calcified tendon of the supraspinatus muscle, shock wave therapy is intended to treat this calcification by stimulating blood circulation and metabolism in this area. Shockwave therapy is often chosen when other treatments are unsuccessful and surgery is to be delayed. The advantage of shock wave therapy is that it does not damage surrounding structures such as skin, muscles and bones.

Diadynamic currents are stimulation currents with direct and impulse current components. There are five different current qualities which can be used individually or in combination. With regard to subacute or chronic stages of impingement syndrome, these diadynamic currents are used to achieve an analgesic effect or muscle toning.

The musculature should be loosened in this way. You can find more information about electrotherapy here. Acupuncture shows good results for shoulder complaints.

On the one hand, it can be used as an alternative if other therapy options fail. On the other hand, it can also be used to support other therapies in order to alleviate shoulder complaints. Acupuncture points are chosen on the shoulder (so-called near points), away from the shoulder, such as on the hands or even on the feet (so-called far points) or even on the ear (so-called ear acupuncture).

Which points are chosen depends on the respective complaints and what the medical history and the examination has shown. In order to support the improvement of the symptoms and healing, various homeopathic remedies can be taken. Arnica can help to counteract the pain, inflammation and swelling in the shoulder.

Bryonia can also be taken against the inflammation in the shoulder joint. Rhus toxicodendron is used for diseases of the muscles, tendons and joints and can also improve the symptoms of impingement. Ruta globules can also help to relieve pain in the shoulder and support healing.

On the one hand, gentle massages of e.g. the tendons or even the neck can help to reduce the pain and swelling in the shoulder. If possible, the massage oil can be warmed up so that the muscles can relax properly. However, care should be taken to ensure that the massage is not applied to the painful areas of the shoulder.

Ginger tea can also help to counteract the inflammation in the shoulder joint. A cup of tea should be drunk two to three times a day. A self-mixed paste of turmeric and oil (e.g. coconut oil) can help against the pain, inflammation and swelling. The paste is applied directly to the painful shoulder. When the paste is dry, it can be rinsed off with warm water.