Drumstick Finger: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Respiratory System (J00-J99)

  • Acute interstitial pneumonia (pneumonia).
  • Asbestosis – disease of the lungs, which belongs to the so-called pneumoconioses (dust lung diseases).
  • Bronchiectasis (synonym: bronchiectasis) – permanently existing irreversible saccular or cylindrical expansion of the bronchi (medium-sized airways), which may be congenital or acquired; symptoms: chronic cough with “mouthful expectoration” (large-volume triple-layered sputum: foam, mucus and pus), fatigue, weight loss and a reduced performance capacity
  • Chronic bronchitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes in the bronchi).
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), advanced.
  • Hamman-Rich syndrome (acute interstitial pneumonia, AIP) – is a usually lethal pneumonia (pneumonia).
  • Pulmonary emphysemalung disease with non-functioning alveoli.
  • Pulmonary fibrosis – group of chronic diseases associated with remodeling of the lung skeleton (interstitial lung diseases).
  • Pneumoconiosis (pneumoconiosis)

Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases (E00-E90).

  • Graves’ disease – caused by an autoimmune disease (= immune hyperthyroidism); it is hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) induced by stimulating autoantibodies against the TSH receptor (TRAK).
  • Cystic fibrosis (ZF) – genetic disease with autosomal recessive inheritance characterized by the production of secretions to be tamed in various organs.

Cardiovascular system (I00-I99).

  • Congenital heart defects (cardiac vitias) with right-to-left shunt, unspecified.
  • Cor pulmonale – dilatation (widening) and/or hypertrophy (enlargement) of the right ventricle (main chamber) of the heart due to pulmonary hypertension (increase in pressure in the pulmonary circulation), which may be caused by various diseases of the lungs
  • Endocarditis (inflammation of the inner lining of the heart), bacterial.
  • Pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary hypertension).
  • Pulmonary sclerosis – hardening (sclerosis) of the pulmonary artery (pulmonary artery).

Infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99).

  • Tuberculosis

Liver, gallbladder and bile ducts – Pancreas (pancreas) (K70-K77; K80-K87).

Mouth, esophagus (food pipe), stomach, and intestines (K00-K67; K90-K93).

  • Ulcerative colitis – chronic inflammatory disease of the mucosa of the colon (large intestine) or rectum (rectum).
  • Crohn’s disease – chronic inflammatory bowel disease; it usually progresses in episodes and can affect the entire digestive tract; characteristic is the segmental affection of the intestinal mucosa, that is, several intestinal segments may be affected, which are separated by healthy sections of each other
  • Celiac disease (gluten-induced enteropathy) – chronic disease of the mucosa of the small intestine (small intestinal mucosa), which is based on hypersensitivity to the cereal protein gluten.

Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00-M99).

  • Marie-Bamberger syndrome (hypertrophic osteoarthropathy; “skin-bone skin atrophy”) – rare disease (incidence of up to 5% in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)) characterized by painfulness of the extremities with swelling of the knee, foot, elbow, and wrist joints and periosteal neoplasm of bone substance; Other possible causes include pulmonary metastases, Hodgkin’s disease, pleural mesothelioma, or cystic fibrosis

Neoplasms – tumor diseases (C00-D48).

  • Bronchial carcinoma (lung cancer) [approximately 7% of cases of bronchial carcinoma]
  • Mesothelioma – neoplasm originating from the mesothelium (squamous epithelium of serous skins) (eg.B. Pleural mesothelioma)