Duffy system | Blood groups

Duffy system

The Duffy factor of the blood groups is an antigen and at the same time a receptor for Plasmodium vivax. This is the causative agent of malaria disease. Persons who do not develop Duffy factor are therefore resistant to malaria. Otherwise the Duffy system has no further important meaning.


The determination of blood group characteristics is one of the most important diagnostic tools to avoid transfusion problems. The most common and best known systems are the AB0- System and the Rhesus- System. In Western countries these are routinely determined in every childhood person and are also known to most people.

Besides these two systems there are about 28 other blood group systems, which are less important in daily use and therefore not known. Individual systems, such as the Duffy system, can have positive effects on other diseases. For example, malaria resistance exists when the Duffy factor is negative.