Durability in relation to bone quality | The durability of dental implants

Durability in relation to bone quality

Bone quality is described by various factors. It is a yardstick that plays an important role when considering an implant, as it can provide information about both the difficulty of implant placement and the prognosis. The balance between bone augmentation and bone resorption is one of the key factors in bone quality.

Furthermore, microarchitecture and material properties (i.e., the mineralization of the bone) play a significant role in the assessment of bone quality. A sufficient measure of calcium as well as Vitamin D are very important, in order to be able to increase the bone quality. Further scientific studies could prove that a healthy measure of sporty activity can increase the bone quality in the long run. In addition, the risk of fractures is reduced. As another option, ultrasound therapy is offered to improve bone quality.

Durability in relation to the oral mucosa

Good oral hygiene is a basic requirement for a healthy oral mucosa. To achieve this, you should brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day. However, you should choose the hardness of the toothbrush that is appropriate for your own gums and teeth.

Too much brushing or a toothbrush that is too hard can irritate the gums. Regular professional tooth cleaning can improve the quality of the oral mucosa. Furthermore, food can influence the quality of the oral mucosa. Hot, spicy or sour food can irritate the oral mucosa. Patients with dentures should take care that no pressure points or irritation can occur.

Professional dental cleaning – how often?

Regular professional tooth cleaning (= PZR) is very important, especially in the case of implants, for care and prevention of inflammation. The frequency of professional tooth cleaning depends on the individual risk status of the patient. If there is a low risk of inflammation and good oral hygiene, a PZR is recommended every six months to annually.Patients at high risk of periodontitis (= inflammation of the periodontium) should undergo PZR quarterly to prevent inflammation around the implant and thus increase the durability of the implant. You can find more detailed information here: Professional dental cleaning