Duration after meniscus rupture surgery | Operation of a torn meniscus

Duration after meniscus rupture surgery

The meniscus rupture operation within the scope of a knee joint endoscopy usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes. If a partial meniscus resection has been carried out, the wound takes about two weeks to heal and the knee can then be fully loaded. From this point on, moderate sports activities can be started again.

The healing of a meniscus suture or meniscus replacement with an implant usually takes longer, usually about six months. Full loading of the knee while walking should be possible again after about four weeks, and sports activities should be possible again after about two to three months. If only a small part of the meniscus was removed, office work can be resumed after one to two weeks, knee-straining jobs should only be resumed after two to three weeks.

If parts of the meniscus have been sutured, the knee must be protected longer, otherwise the sutures could tear. In individual cases, a gradual reintegration into working life can also be useful. An optimal operation result and a fast healing requires the cooperation of the affected person.

If aggressive stress is started too early after the meniscus operation, inflammatory irritations with swelling and pain may occur.In addition, the threads of the meniscus suture can tear. However, moderate physiotherapeutic post-treatment is necessary and very sensible, as muscles are built up and the mobility of the knee joint is restored. A not carried out after-treatment can lead to restrictions in sports activities and also in everyday life.

When to do sports again?

The meniscus tear can be severe or rather uncomplicated. Depending on the extent of the tear and the subsequent surgical treatment, the patient may quickly regain mobility, or in the worst, very rare case, a lifelong restriction can be expected, whereby no sport can be practiced. However, this also depends on the type of sport the patient wants to practice.

In the case of sports that are very stressful for the affected knee, the patient should wait a few weeks beyond the regular period of prohibition and only slowly start again. In this case a break of 4-6 months is advisable. In the case of an uncomplicated meniscus rupture, relative mobility is regained after 2-3 weeks; after 6-8 weeks, the knee should be completely resilient again. The damage and the extent of the meniscus tear depend mainly on the duration of the existing tear before the operation and the impairment of surrounding structures. In addition to these influencing factors, age, weight and general physical condition also play a role in determining when the patient should return to sports.