Duration and course of a torn shoulder muscle fiber | Torn muscle fibre of the shoulder

Duration and course of a torn shoulder muscle fiber

Both the course and the time until complete healing of a torn muscle fibre at the shoulder depends largely on the severity of the damage. The more torn muscle fibers are, the longer the healing time is usually. In general, however, it can be assumed that the prognosis is quite good in the presence of a torn shoulder muscle fiber.

Immediately after the onset of a torn muscle fibre at the shoulder, it is advisable to take an absolute rest for a period of approximately 5 to 6 days. During this period, the affected shoulder should under no circumstances be subjected to stress. The length of time after which the affected shoulder can be loaded again depends on the extent of the injury.

The affected patient should slowly and gradually return the shoulder joint to its original position after the rest period. The initial shoulder load should not exceed 15 to 30 minutes. However, pain during training should not occur under any circumstances.

In general, it can be assumed that training can be resumed after a slight rupture of the shoulder muscle fiber after a much shorter period of time than in more pronounced cases. Treatment for a torn shoulder muscle fiber depends primarily on the severity of the disease. However, affected patients should always be aware that further strain on the shoulder can lead to serious injuries.

For this reason, all sports activities should be discontinued immediately after the first symptoms appear. In addition, treatment of a torn muscle fiber in the shoulder should be initiated promptly. The first aid measures are based on the so-called “PECH scheme”.

Immediately after the onset of the typical complaints, the following measures can be initiated: The affected shoulder can be cooled with the help of a cooling pad or cold compresses. Ideally, the cooling should not exceed a period of 15 to 20 minutes.During cooling, it is particularly important that the cooling pad is never placed directly on the skin surface. Cold damage can be avoided by wrapping the cooling pad in a thin towel and only then placing it on the affected area.

In addition, the application of an elastic bandage (compression bandage) can help to prevent fluid accumulation in the shoulder area. In this way, the healing process can be positively influenced and the time to complete recovery can be significantly reduced. If there is a torn muscle fibre in the shoulder, a doctor should be consulted promptly and further treatment initiated.

The medical therapy for a torn shoulder muscle fiber is usually administered with medication. In particular, active ingredients that can be used to relieve pain (e.g. ibuprofen and diclofenac) and also act against inflammatory processes in the area of the affected shoulder are particularly suitable for treating torn shoulder muscle fibers. In the case of particularly pronounced forms of torn muscle fibers in the shoulder, some specialists recommend injection treatment.

Various local anesthetics or homeopathic drugs are used in this procedure. In addition, immobilising the muscles with a tape bandage can help to bring the torn muscle fibres closer together in such a way that they can grow together again more easily. Very extensive muscle fiber tears in the shoulder, in which more than a third of the cross-section of the muscle strand is severed, usually require surgical treatment. You can find more information on this topic here: Taping of muscle fiber tears

  • Pause: Sporting activity should be stopped immediately
  • Ice: Immediate cooling can help to positively influence the healing process
  • Compression (compression): Applying an elastic compression bandage prevents excessive swelling and helps to immobilize the affected shoulder.
  • Elevation: Elevating the shoulder affected by a torn muscle fiber can help to alleviate the discomfort and prevent consequential damage.