Duration | Cabbage Soup Diet


Classically, the cabbage soup diet is strictly followed for one week. After that, success should already have been achieved. However, negative effects may also have occurred, such as fatigue, irritability, lack of strength and tired of the cabbage soup.

Cabbage can also lead to strong gas development, flatulence or diarrhoea. After one week you should take stock and after a maximum of two weeks of diet you should find a more balanced diet for yourself, as the cabbage soup diet is not suitable as a long-term diet. Due to its low protein content, it leads to the reduction of muscle mass and reduces both physical and mental fitness, since the body is permanently supplied with too little energy.

What success does the cabbage soup diet promise?

The cabbage soup diet is usually accompanied by a large weight loss in a very short time. This is mainly related to the loss of large amounts of stored water. Due to the lack of sugar, the body is forced to use up the glycogen reserves of the liver and muscles, which means that water is simultaneously withdrawn from the organism.

If the body does not get enough energy in the form of food to perform physical (or even mental) tasks, energy reserves are tapped. In addition to glycogen reserves, these include muscle mass and fat reserves. All in all, a significant weight loss can perhaps be recorded on the scales, but the body fat percentage itself hardly decreases at all. In order to achieve a large, long-term weight loss, the cabbage soup diet is not suitable.

How much weight can you lose?

How much weight you can lose with the cabbage soup diet depends on many different factors. These include, above all, the initial weight and the diet you have previously maintained. Healthy participants can expect to lose at least one to two kilos by excreting water.

Due to the low calorie density of the foods in the cabbage soup diet, the body’s daily energy requirements are hardly covered. So in addition to the loss of water, there is also a loss of muscle mass and a minimal loss of body fat. After the cabbage soup diet, the lost water is usually stored again after the transition to a normal, balanced diet.