Duration | HWS distortion – you need to know all that


The duration of the healing process varies greatly and depends on how severe the trauma was and on the psychosocial situation of the person concerned. A mild trauma, where the person can recover for a few days and does a self-exercise program, will not cause any further symptoms after about two weeks. If the trauma was more severe or if the person does not have the opportunity to recover (directly back to work, child care, etc.

), the symptoms may persist for several weeks. Social and psychological stress can delay healing immensely and even lead to the chronicity of the pain. Chronification occurs when pain persists for more than six months after the trauma.

Compensation for pain and suffering

The amount of the compensation for pain and suffering paid by the insurance company will be assessed in each individual case. Factors that are taken into account are the severity of the injury and the speed at which the rear-end collision occurred. The compensation for pain and suffering can range from a few hundred euros to over ten thousand euros in serious cases with consequential damages.

Duration of sick leave

The duration of the sick leave depends on the severity of the symptoms and the field of activity of the accident victim. Sick leave is necessary as long as the person affected cannot carry out his work adequately due to movement restrictions. If the experience of pain allows it, an office worker can, for example, resume work earlier than in a physically active profession (nurse, construction worker, …).