Duration | Inflammation of the middle ear in babies – How to recognize and treat it?


Depending on how severe the infection is and how early the parents notice the symptoms, how early they take the child to the doctor and whether direct treatment is given, the duration of the middle ear infection can vary. If the disease and its symptoms are diagnosed and treated early enough, acute otitis media usually lasts no longer than two weeks. At first, the inflammation is very painful, but normally the pain disappears within the first few days.

The fever should also usually subside in the first few days. The inflammation of the middle ear itself then heals completely and there are no late effects. However, it is possible that the deteriorated hearing or even deafness may persist for up to a month, caused by the effusion. An injured eardrum needs about two weeks to heal. If the inflammation of the middle ear gets worse and there is no improvement in the first few days despite medication, antibiotics should be used.

How can I prevent middle ear infection in my baby ?

In general, a good immune system helps against all infectious diseases, which include inflammation of the middle ear. Breastfeeding, plenty of exercise and spending time outdoors in the fresh air and a healthy and varied diet support the immune system. Smoking near children should be avoided at all costs.

For example, children are less likely to catch colds, thus preventing infection of the upper respiratory tract, which is often the trigger for middle ear infections. Especially in winter, the ears should be protected from the cold, for example by caps or headbands. It is also important to avoid exposing the ears directly to strong drafts.

Especially after a day in the swimming pool, when the hair is still wet, special care should be taken. The use of pacifiers or water bottles while lying down impairs swallowing and can lead to complications with the Eustachian tube. It should therefore be done as rarely as possible. In addition, the use of cotton swabs should be avoided because the ear cleans itself. Pneumococcus vaccination also reduces the likelihood of middle ear infection in children.