Duration of a coccyx contusion | Contusion coccyx

Duration of a coccyx contusion

The duration of a coccyx contusion varies from person to person and depends on many factors such as the severity of the contusion, accompanying symptoms and the age of the person affected. It can last from a few days up to several weeks and can disappear quickly for each individual. Usually, however, a duration of two to six weeks is assumed.

However, in order to keep the duration of the bruise as short as possible, adequate therapy is important from the beginning. Early cooling and taking of painkillers is important in order to combat pain as quickly as possible and prevent the so-called pain memory. In some cases, however, the symptoms of a coccyx contusion can be so severe that temporary incapacity to work with sick leave and immobilization becomes necessary.


A coccyx contusion can often be diagnosed by a precise anamnesis and a groundbreaking physical examination. The pain is usually clearly localizable and can be caused by careful pressure in the area of the coccyx. If the tip of the coccyx and the transition between the coccyx and sacrum are particularly sensitive to pressure, a coccyx contusion is suspected.

To rule out a fracture or dislocation, the vertebral bodies are palpated rectally. If abnormal mobility of the vertebrae can be detected there, a coccyx fracture (fracture) is suspected. If in doubt, an x-ray of the pelvis should always be taken. This allows a fracture of the coccyx and other possible injuries to be reliably detected. In very rare or very special cases, a CT or MRI scan may also be necessary.

Therapy and treatment

The therapy of a coccyx contusion consists mainly of taking painkillers such as ibuprofen, Novalgin and Diclofenac. In severe cases, light opioids such as Tramal or Tillidin can also be prescribed. However, these should be regarded as a reserve and should not be prescribed too quickly due to their addictive effect.

Cooling and decongestant ointments can also provide temporary relief in the case of coccyx contusions and should be used. In severe cases, painkillers such as local anesthetics and cortisone can also be injected in the area of the nerves around the coccyx. Although this method is slightly painful, it leads to a significant and longer lasting pain relief.

Another option that patients can use is the so-called “ring cushion”, which patients can place under their buttocks when sitting. Due to its special shape and the rear opening, the cushion causes the coccyx to be exposed, which provides relief and pain relief. Alternative treatment options include acupuncture, fango packs, sitz baths, and the application of cold cushions for cooling. In acupuncture, special acupuncture points attributed to the coccyx are punctured with thin needles. This can bring good pain relief and healing after several applications.