Duration of a cold


A typical cold lasts on average ten days. The reason for this is that the virus that causes the common cold first needs one to three days before it can be noticed and attacked by the immune system. The duration of the symptomatology afterwards is about one week to ten days, depending on how the body reacts to the virus and keeps it in check. The information about the duration of the individual processes of a cold are average values, which can be individually quite different and serve to get a rough overview.

What is a permanent cold?

Normally a cold lasts about a week and after ten days at the latest the symptoms should have disappeared. If there is still no improvement after several weeks, it is called a so-called permanent or chronic cold. A cold is caused by viruses.

More than 200 pathogens are known, but the most common cause of the common cold is an infection with rhinoviruses. The viruses enter the body through the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and cause a cold, sore throat and cough. The infection attacks the mucous membranes, making it easier for pathogenic bacteria to multiply.

In such a case, a bacterial infection occurs in addition to the viral infection. Doctors refer to this clinical picture as a superinfection, which can cause a permanent cold. The symptoms of the cold persist permanently and the patients suffer mainly from persistent coughing.

Stress, an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise additionally weaken the immune system and promote the development of a permanent cold. A chronically persistent cold requires a clarification by a physician in order to exclude other diseases and to be able to treat the permanent cold with a suitable treatment. Antibiotics are often prescribed to fight the bacterial infection in the long term. Would you like to know more about a superinfection?

Duration of a viral cold

A viral cold usually lasts seven to nine days, after which the symptoms disappear and the disease is over. The first symptoms of a cold include a sore throat and rhinitis, which last about four to five days. After that, other symptoms such as headaches, aching limbs and a dry, irritable cough occur. After the symptoms have subsided, it is important that those affected take it easy for a few more days to recover from the cold, in order to avoid the risk of a chronic cold